Ladies and Gentlemen
Boys and Girls of All Ages
National Railway Historical Society
The Wichita Chapter
proudly presents
"Show Train Night"
Mr. Ed Lester
Wagonmaster, Royal American Shows
For many years Mr. Lester has had the responsibility of loading
and unloading the giant Royal American Shows carnival train.
He has also served as guest wagonmaster for the Schlitz Old
Milwaukee Days Special Movement and is recognized as one of
the foremost living authorities on show trains in general.
Free Popcorn
Friday Evening, March 16th
Balloons for the Kids
Century II
Soft Drinks
The 55 car Royal American Shows carnival train slowly makes its way across
the Kansas countryside on the Rock Island near Inman on the morning of
September 7th, 1978. The train is enroute to its next engagement at the Kan-
sas State Fair in Hutchinson after playing the Minnesota State Fair in St. Paul.
Text and Photography by Robert Hoover Jr.