Stillman White Engine Co.Net House Junction
Sinith and Orms Sts., Providence, RT-
Published by R. WILKINSON, 55 Eddy St., Previdence, R. I.
Second Size Metropolitan Piston Engine built in
Diameter of Pumps, 4% in.; Steam Cylinders,
8 in.; Stroke, 8 in. Drawn by three horses, is fitted
with rubber tires and weighs, ready for service, 8,500
Placed in service at Station 12, Nov. 5, 1907.
Also Combination Wagon built as hose-wagon in
1893; changed to a combination wagon in 1899.
Drawn by two horses. Fitted with rubber tires.
Carries 800 ft. of 2½-in. Hose, and 200 ft. of %-in.
Hose. Is equipped with one 35-gal. tank and weighs,
ready for service, 4,500 lbs. Placed in service as
combination wagon, May 30, 1899.
Company consists of 1 Capt., 1 Lieut., 4 Hosemen,
1 Engine-Man, 1 Asst. Engine-Man, 1 Hose-Driver,
1 Engine-Driver.