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California Guitar Trio
PO Box 981464
Park City, Utah 84098
Booking information: Steve Ozark at Ozark Talent
Phone: 785-841-2800 Fax: 785-841-0707
California Guitar Trio
Monday Night in San Francisco
with Tony Levin
Scramble - Melrose Avenue - Punta Patri - Pathways - Discipline - Waters of Eden - Dance of Maya
Blockhead - Improvisation/Miserlou - Belle -Venezuelan Waltz No.4 - Caravan- Symphony No. 9
Rokudan - Bohemian Rhapsody - Elephant Talk Eve Scramble - unplugged
Rocks the West
Live recording featuring Tony Levin & Bill Janssen
Scramble-Symphony No. 9- Bohemian Rhapsody - Caravan Moroccan Roll -
Punta Patri- Waters of Eden - Blue-eyed Monkey - Pathways - Pictures at an Exhibition
Happy Time in Fun Town - Misirlou - Rokudan- Blockhead
An Opening Act -Live on Tour with King Crimson
Yamanashi Blues - Melrose Avenue - Train To Lamy - The Good, The Bad And The Ugly - Punta Patri
Toccata and Fugue in D minor - Pipeline - Kan-Non Power - Invitation - Walk Don't Run - Misirlou
Allegro Con Brio, Symphony No. 5- Arroyo - Pathways - Leap-Adagio Opus 11 - Great Divide
Scramble- Classical Gas- Kaleidoscope - Ananda - Adagio Sostenuto, Moonlight Sonata
Presto Agitato, Moonlight Sonata - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring - Misirlou
Train To Lamy Suite - Puntra Patri - Toccata and Fugue in D Minor - Train to Lamy Part 4 - Apache
Train to Lamy Part 5 - Above the Clouds - Prelude Circulation - The Good the Bad and the Ugly
Train to Lamy (Part 3 - reprise)
Yamanshi Blues
Yamanishi Blues - Melrose Avenue - Corrente - Walk Don't Run - Ricercar - Pipeline - Beeline
Chromatic Fugue in D Monir - Tenor Madness - Sleepwalk-Carnival - Prelude on C Minor Ciaccona
Blockhead-Kan-non Power
Trio Photographs by Antoine Tanguay