Series A.-Oregon Trail;
Monument Expedition.
Series B.-Indian Charac-
ters, etc.
16 to each set, post paid,
20 cents each set.
1427-1433 West Third St.
Cleveland, Ohio
The Ezra Meeker Historical Post Cards for
Schools, Libraries, the Home
and Collectors.
Chief Joseph, of the Nez Perces, for the
Indian race stands on the same plane as
Grant or Lee for generalship. Of his cam-
paign against Gen. O. O. Howard, in which
three pitched battles were fought, and a
running fight over a field of a thousand
miles, General Sherman says: "It is one
of the most extraordinary Indian wars of
which there is any record. The Indians
throughout displayed a courage and skill
that elicited universal praise; they abstained
from scalping, let captive women go free,
did not commit indiscriminate murder of
peaceful families, which is usual, and fought
with almost scientific skill, using advance
and rear guards, skirmish lines and field