Pool Cover Specialists
Away for a day?
Wind-storm forecast?
Snap on your MEYCO® in minutes!
We Cover New England Pools"
Dear Pool Owner:
Avoid Fall-Rush - Order Early!
If you own a MEYCO, congratulations! You won't need to
call us for years. If not, phone NOW for FREE color
brochure, and written estimate (no cost or obligation).
If you have a waterbag cover, have you hated it long
enough??? Be tempted by MEYCO, the only cover you can
love! Dozens of stock sizes, or custom-made, any shape.
If freeform (rocks? waterfalls?) We are specialists,
25-yrs experience in difficult installations. Allow 6-weeks.
No seasonal employees- every job done by Sid. Factory-set
price. We do it better, with special tools.
MEYCO stretches tight, like a trampoline, stays dry.
Water seeps through. Leaves dry, don't rot, usually blow off.
No stagnant pond of rotting trash, dead animals. Beautiful
in all seasons. Blends with landscaping.
Stainless snap-on springs, brass pop-up anchors
(flush with deck when not in use. Bare feet can't feel them).
Two people put MEYCO on/off in 15 minutes, average.
Childproof, will even support adults! Kids climb fences, but
can't unsnap MEYCO springs. Lasts 10-yrs. World's finest!
Save in long run. Don't wait till FALL! We install anchors
now in 12-day, without disturbing family swimming, leaving
pool area cleaner than we found it. If storm passes, or you go
on a trip, your new MEYCO will be ready, to snap on in
minutes. Safety, beauty, easy-on/off-enjoy your new MEYCO!
Winterize normally, water not more than 15-in. under
MEYCO which stretches under snow, touches water in
center - water supports any amount of snow. In spring
MEYCO pulls up tight again, self-regulating you do
nothing! (If pool leaks, or water-level is incorrectly set too
low, damage can occur.)
Greetings from Sid: As independent contractor I could
choose any cover, but, after 25-yrs, I stay with MEYCO, and
would enjoy showing you albums of jobs I've done nearby.
Pool Owner
1 Timothy Rö
Norwalk, CO
Box 707
New Milford, CT 06776
New Milford, CT
Permit No. 31
24-hr 7-day Phone Service
Sid Anderson, Chief Installer