Lights of Minden, Nebraska - "The Christmas City"
In 1915, Minden began its electrical display in a
small way when City Light Commissioner J. H. Haws
arranged the first designs. Throughout the years he
and his co-workers have constantly added to and
improved them. Now over 10,000 bulbs are shaped
into Christmas decorations which makes this one of
the outstanding small city lighting displays. Each
evening during the Holiday Season Carillonic Tower
Bells peal forth in concert to add musical beauty to
the lights. On the opening night of the lights, a
religious pageant is given by over 125 townspeople.
To add to the Spirit of Christmas the schools and
churches give programs and the homes and stores have
special holiday displays. All of these things tell the
world that Minden is truly "The Christmas City."
This card compliments of Warp Publishing Co., Minden
Publishers of Warp's Review-Workbooks since 1915