1066010 |
French Republic Postcard with Postage Stamps |
1066009 |
NSW Coat of Arms with Australian Stamps |
1066008 |
Guatemala Coat of Arms with Stamps |
1066007 |
Estados Unidos de Venezuela - Coat of Arms with Stamps |
1066006 |
Austro-Hungarian Stamps on Postcard |
1066005 |
Chinese Imperial Post Stamps with Dragon Banner |
1066004 |
German Imperial Eagle with Postage Stamps |
1066002 |
Commemorative Postcard for the 15th Anniversary of the Meiji Postal Service |
1060804 |
Philatelic Greeting from Thailand |
1059185 |
Selos de Portugal - Portuguese Stamps |
1059122 |
Queen Elizabeth II, The Queen's Birthday 1993 |
1057314 |
French Stamps |
1057313 |
Stamps of Bulgaria with Coat of Arms |
1057023 |
Souvenir of Hawaii with Crossed Flags and Stamps |
1053191 |
Munot Fortress, Schaffhausen, Switzerland |
1031388 |
Kg Hofbrauhaus Festsaal Interior Munich |
1018846 |
Series of Bavarian definitive stamps (Wappenausgabe Pfennig/Mark) |
1007445 |
Postage Stamps - Greetings from Great Britain |
997689 |
Souvenir Postcard from United Kingdom With Stamps |
997583 |
Souvenir Postcard From Cuba with Crest, Flag and Stamps |
981172 |
Venezuelan Stamps |
985708 |
malines - Eglise St Rombaut et la Grand Place |
985706 |
1848-1908 Austrian Stamps Franz Joseph |
985705 |
Genève - Rue du Montblanc - Flags and Stamps |