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(1-120 of 986)
Category: [1915 Panama-Pacific International Exposition (PPIE)]
986 Items Found
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Main Portal, Palace of Manufacturers, showing T...
To Frisco Or Bust on Poppy ...
San Francisco, CA
Panama-Pacific Internationa...
San Francisco, CA
California Building 1915 Pa...
San Francisco, CA
California Invites the World - Panama 1915 Pana...
Festival Hall, PPIE San Fra...
San Francisco, CA
Tower, Court of Palms, San Francisco, 1915 1915...
Liberty Bell - Pan Pac Int ...
San Francisco, CA
Centaur fountain San Franci...
San Francisco, CA
Inside Inn, Panama-Pacific ...
San Francisco, CA
Tower Of Jewels 1915 Panama...
San Francisco, CA
Sonoma County Gravenstein Apple Orchard Califor...
Texas State Building San Fr...
San Francisco, CA
The Giant Typewriter 1915 Panama-Pacific Intern...
Liberty Bell 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Pos...
Panama Canal on the Zone Sa...
San Francisco, CA
Colonnades from the Court o...
San Francisco, CA
Liberal Arts Palace , North Facade and Towers a...
Poultry Ranch Sonoma County California 1915 Pan...
In the Court of the Sun and...
San Francisco, CA
The Palace of Fine Arts San...
San Francisco, CA
Courtyard, Italian Pavilion...
San Francisco, CA
The scale that sells itself - and the factory b...
YMCA Building, Pan-Pac Int....
San Francisco, CA
Ridgeway's Tea Exhibit - Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Mullgardt's Tower - Court o...
San Francisco, CA
Fountain of El Dorado San F...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Transportation Sa...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Horticulture 1915 Panama-Pacific Expo...
Entrance to California Buil...
San Francisco, CA
Ornate Entrance 1915 Panama...
San Francisco, CA
Fountain of Energy in South...
San Francisco, CA
Statue "Fire" 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Po...
"Energy The Victor" Fountai...
San Francisco, CA
Niche and Pool: Court at Four Seasons at the Pa...
Live Stock Section and Stadium 1948 1915 Panama...
Court of Abundance San Fran...
San Francisco, CA
The Great Scintillator from Court of Four Seaso...
Lot of 64 Original Panama-Pacific International...
Colonnades on Fine Arts Pal...
San Francisco, CA
Fine Art Palace 1915 Panama...
San Francisco, CA
A Naked Woman in the Waves 1915 Panama-Pacific ...
Night View - Tower of Jewel...
San Francisco, CA
Aerial View of Expo Grounds...
San Francisco, CA
California Invites the World to the Panama Paci...
General View of Expedition by Night 1915 Panama...
Mines exhibit of Bolivia 1915 Panama-Pacific Ex...
Illinois Exhibit, Palace of...
San Francisco, CA
Exhibit Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co. Palace of Manufa...
Mullgardt's Tower in Court ...
San Francisco, CA
Virginia State Building 191...
San Francisco, CA
Fountain of "Winter" - Cour...
San Francisco, CA
Night Pavilion 1915 Panama-Pacific Internationa...
H. Liebes & Co. Fur Exhibit...
San Francisco, CA
Tower of Jewels San Francis...
San Francisco, CA
Court of Abundance 1915 Panama-Pacific Expositi...
Court of the Four Seasons S...
San Francisco, CA
Panama Canal on the Zone - ...
San Francisco, CA
President Taft and Dignitaries Breaking Ground ...
Palace of Education 1915 Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Court of Abundance 1915 Pan...
San Francisco, CA
Chinese House 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Po...
Lumbermen's Building and Ho...
San Francisco, CA
Tolumne County Exhibit California Building Pan-...
H. Liebes & Co. Fur Exhibit...
San Francisco, CA
Swedish Building, Pan-Pac I...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Horticulture 1915 Panama-Pacific Expo...
Palm Walk and Towers San Fr...
San Francisco, CA
Half Dome 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Postcard
Palace of Horticulture, Pan...
San Francisco, CA
state of Illinois Building ...
San Francisco, CA
Pavilion for thePetri Italian American Cigar Co...
Arch of the Setting Sun, By...
San Francisco, CA
Nations of the East 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposit...
Palace of Horticulture, Pan...
San Francisco, CA
Statue of The Piper 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposit...
In the Court of Abundance S...
San Francisco, CA
Tower of Jewels San Francis...
San Francisco, CA
Lobby in New Jersey Buildin...
San Francisco, CA
West Virginia State Buildin...
San Francisco, CA
U.S. Army submarine mine. Pianter "Armistead" 1...
Arches of the Four Seasons ...
San Francisco, CA
Fine Arts Palace 1915 Panam...
San Francisco, CA
Honduras Building San Franc...
San Francisco, CA
Maryland State Building, Wo...
San Francisco, CA
Sun Tent and Awning Co. Exhibit in the Palace o...
Tower of Jewels 1915 Panama...
San Francisco, CA
Tower of Jewels and Fountai...
San Francisco, CA
New York Building 1915 Pana...
San Francisco, CA
Italian Building 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition...
Nations of the East 1915 Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Western Section of the "Joy...
San Francisco, CA
"The Globe" Exhibit Buildin...
San Francisco, CA
Oregon State Building - Pan...
San Francisco, CA
Virginia Building 1915 Pana...
San Francisco, CA
Oregon Building 1915 Panama...
San Francisco, CA
The Stately Redwoods California 1915 Panama-Pac...
New York State Building, Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Court of the Four Seasons Worlds Fair San Franc...
Court of the Sun and Stars ...
San Francisco, CA
Beauty and the Beast 1915 P...
San Francisco, CA
A Lone Woman And It's Children 1915 Panama-Paci...
Get Your Congressmen to Vote for the Panama-Pac...
Entrance to California Buil...
San Diego, CA
Transportation Building - Main Portal 1915 Pana...
Observatory station on summ...
Mill Valley, CA
Get Your Congressmen to Vot...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Horticulture, Loo...
San Francisco, CA
East Court - Panama-Pacific...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Energy and Festiv...
San Francisco, CA
View of Court of 4 Seasons ...
San Francisco, CA
Montana Building 1915 Panam...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Fine Arts, Panama...
San Francisco, CA
Western Section of the Joy ...
San Francisco, CA
Tower of Jewels 1915 Panama...
San Francisco, CA
Tower of Jewels San Francis...
San Francisco, CA
Tower of Jewels - Avenue of...
San Francisco, CA
Colorized Exposition buildings, people walking ...
Night View Tower of Jewels 1915 Panama-Pacific ...
Japanese Pavilion 1915 Panama-Pacific Expositio...