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(1-120 of 444)
Category: [Ferries]
444 Items Found
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Streamlined Ferry " Kalakala" Ferries Postcard ...
SS Pocahantas Ferries Postcard Postcard
S.S. "Del-Mar-Va" - Vrirginia Ferry Corporation...
Maxine III Ferries Postcard Postcard
Ferry Boat Ferries Postcard Postcard
M/A "Prince of Fundy" Ferries Postcard Postcard
The Louis Joliet Ferry Boat Ferries Postcard
Ferry Santa Clara - San Fra...
San Francisco, CA
Ferry Building showing Ferr...
San Francisco, CA
"Mystic Isle" Passenger and...
Put-In-Bay, OH
Samara Russia Postcard Post...
Samara, Russia
Dartmouth, Winthrop, Revere...
Revere, MA
S.S. Charlottetown Ferries Postcard
World's Largest, Finest Exc...
St. Louis, MO
The Hackahum Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
M.V. Malaspina Ferries Postcard
S.S. Princess Anne Ferry Boat Ferries Postcard ...
Sweets Automobile Ferry Chazy Landing to Isle L...
Annapolis-Claiborne Ferry, ...
Annapolis, MD
Lake Norfolk Ferry Arkansas Postcard Large Form...
The State of Liberty Boat M...
New York, NY
Cape May-Lewes Ferry Ferries Postcard
Ferry Between New Jersey and Delaware Ferries P...
Houston Ship Channel Texas ...
Houston, TX
M.V. Klickitat Ferry Ground...
Port Townsend, WA
S.S. "Charlottetown" - Canadian National Railwa...
Car Ferry Bay of Islands, N...
Bay of Islands, New Zealand
M.V. Sam Houston Texas Post...
Houston, TX
S. S. New Jersey Ferries Postcard
Walla Walla - Washington State Ferry Ferries Po...
C & O Ferries Postcard
Ferry S.S. "Delaware" - Delaware River Bay Auth...
S. S. New York / S. S. Florida Ferries Postcard...
Kingston Ferry "Transport" ...
Kingston, WA
Cook Strait Rail Road Ferry G.M.V. "Aramoana" F...
Charlotte and Summerville F...
Ontario Beach, NY
San Francisco-Sausalito Fer...
Sausalito, CA
Ferry EUREKA and Bay Bridge...
San Francisco, CA
Ferry Boat Bristol Entering...
Bristol, RI
British Railways S.S. "Arnhem" - Dining Saloon ...
Ferry East Haddam, CT Postcard
East Haddam, CT
The S. S. Nantucket Massachusetts Ferries Postcard
Italy - Greece Car Ferry m.s. "Egnatia" Ferries...
M. V. Valcour of the Lake Champlain Transportat...
M.V.S. Abegweit, ice breaker Ferries Postcard
MV COHO Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
M.V. Coho Ferries Postcard
San Diego and Coronado Ferry Ferries Postcard P...
Vantage Ferry on Columbia R...
Spokane, WA
M. V. Lord Selkirk Ferries Postcard
Car Ferry "Prince Edward Is...
PE, Canada
Michigan State Ferry "City of Petoskey", Strait...
Ferryboat "F.C. Fowler," in...
Hartford, CT
Ferry Princess Anne Ferries Postcard Postcard
Ferry Boat in San Francisco...
San Francisco, CA
Cape May-Lewes Ferry Ferries Postcard
State of Liberty Ferry - "Miss Liberty" Ferries...
US Highway 62 and 101 Ferry...
Mountain Home, AR
Ferry-boat "Gov. Winthrop" ...
New London, CT
Washington State Ferry "Evergreen State" Ferrie...
Motor Vessel "Block Island"...
Block Island, RI
The Ferry "Everett Libby" R...
Rockland, ME
Chinook Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Ferry at Sausalito, Califor...
Sausalito, CA
M.V. Valcour Ferries Postcard Postcard
College Point Ferry Dock Qu...
Queens, NY
World's First Streamlined F...
Seattle, WA
Walters Camp River Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Galveston Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Vallejo Ferry to Mare Islan...
Vallejo, CA
The Old Man Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Ferry Boat Ferries Postcard
Bamboo Ferry Philippines So...
Rail Ferry "Deutschland" Ge...
M.V. Doric Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Swedish Lloyd M.S. "Patricia" Passenger Car Fer...
Traveling to Harrisburg in ...
Harrisburg, PA
Ship of the Iron Steamboat Company Ferries Post...
S.S. Middletown Ferries Postcard Postcard
Steamer "Chateaugay" Auto F...
Burlington, VT
Old Ferry Boat Ferries Postcard Postcard
M.V. Grand Isle Ferries Postcard
Ferryboat Kittery of the Atlantic Shore Line Be...
MS "Oldenburg" Ferries Postcard
Ohio River by Moonlight Ferries Postcard Postcard
Chesapeake and Ohio River Ferry Ferries Postcar...
Lake Norfork Ferries Johnnie M. Gray Postcard P...
"The Governor" Sightseeing Boat, Lake of the Oz...
Provincetown, Cape Cod, Mas...
Cape Cod, MA
M. V. Champlain Ferries Postcard
M.V. Coho - Port Angeles, WA Ferries Postcard P...
Alaska Marine Highway Ferries Postcard Postcard
Jacksonville Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Oostende Dover. Boarding fe...
M.V. Chinook Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Ferry Klickitat on the water Ferries Postcard
Ferry Crossing Between Sitk...
Sitka, AK
Ferryboat "Brinckerhoff" - Mystic Seaport, CT F...
The New Flagship of Puget S...
Seattle, WA
City of Petoskey Michigan State Ferry Ferries P...
The Golden Gate Ferry San F...
San Francisco, CA
"The New Flagship of Puget ...
Seattle, WA
Hutchinson's Ferry Between Alexandria Bay, N. Y...
Boston Harbor Showing E. Bo...
Boston, MA
British Railways S.S. Arnhem Ferries Postcard
The Ferry connecting Vische...
Niskayuna, NY
Ferry in Bay San Francisco,...
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco Bay Ferry and...
San Francisco, CA
M.V. Bluenose Ferry Ferries Postcard Postcard
Washington State Motor Ferry "Chetsamoka" Ferri...
C.N.R. Car Ferry "Abegweit" Ferries Postcard
Ferryboats to Portsmouth & Berkley Virginia Pos...
C & O Car Ferry " City of Midland" Ferries Post...
The "Bluenose" Washington Ferries Postcard Post...
Highway 62 and 101 Ferry Missouri River Arkansa...
British Railways Ferry S.S. "Brighton" Ferries ...
Municipal Ferry Boat New Yo...
New York, NY
M.V. Champlain Ferries Postcard
Through the Tunnel Boston, ...
Boston, MA
San Diego and Coronado Ferr...
San Diego, CA