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(1-120 of 609)
Category: [Trade Cards]
609 Items Found
New Additions First
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Price (Lowest First)
Price (Highest First)
Liebig Company's Fleisch-Ex...
Fray-Bentos, Uruguay
Red Cross Base Burner Coope...
Rochester, NY
Prospect Hill Tower Somervi...
Somerville, MA
People Rides the Carriage as a Dog Runs After i...
Lot of 5 Trade Cards: Liebig's Extract of Meat ...
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Advertisement Advertising T...
California Actresses Carro ...
San Francisco, CA
Washburn's Best Flour Trade Cards Trade Card Tr...
Lot of 40: Arbuckle Bros. Coffee US State Serie...
Australia - Aborigine Hunting, Aborigine Villag...
Marie Roze Uses Warner Bros. Coraline Corsets, ...
German Sewing Maching Advertising Postcard Trad...
Advert for J J Foster & Co ...
Pittsfield, MA
Trade card for Arbuckle Bros. Coffee California...
Standard Tip Shoes: Thomas ...
Philadelphia, PA
The Singer Manufacturing Company Advertising Tr...
Use H.F. Lillibride & Co.'s Fine Confectionery ...
Ghirardelli's cocoa always ...
San Francisco, CA
Clark's O.N.T Spool Cotton: Boys flying a Kite ...
Clark's Mile End Spool Cotton Advertising Trade...
Hub Gore makers - Elastic f...
Boston, MA
Cross Cut Cigarettes Pure & Sweet Advertising T...
The Salem Monumental Compan...
Salem, MA
Sister Hannibal - Oh Breddren And Sisters, Ise ...
Salutations chez les peuples primitifs Advertis...
Agriculture Building, Colum...
Chicago, IL
Mehlin Pianos Advertising Trade Card Trade Card
Eureka Wrought Steel Range ...
San Francisco, CA
Shaker Family Pills, Cure S...
New York, NY
J. & C. Fisher Pianos Advertising Trade Card Tr...
Large Bloodhound and a Small Cairn Terrier Trad...
Crowd - De Congregation Am ...
Map of Russia Maps Trade Card Trade Card
Higgins Soap Monday Is De Wash Day Trade Cards ...
Cartwright Hotel San Franci...
San Francisco, CA
Mrs. D. Cohen Millinery Det...
Detroit, MI
Girl in garden smelling bowl of roses. Great Am...
Plaza Hotel New York, NY Tr...
New York, NY
Grand Coney Island Excursion - The largest Excu...
McLaughlins XXXX Coffee-Ind...
Chicago, IL
Foster & Co Rochester, NY T...
Rochester, NY
Caricature of gentleman, Ad for "Our Bachelors"...
Sweden "Dalarne" - Singer Sewing Machines Adver...
No School To-day - J J Estes Holiday Goods Trad...
Wheat Bitters Prepared by Wheat Bitters Company...
General Spinela, The Founta...
San Francisco, CA
Girl and Dog - Royal St. John Sewing Machine Ad...
Hires Improved Root Beer Advertising Trade Card...
Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee Advertising Trade Card...
Ships in Water Under Full Moon Near Rocks Boats...
Lot of 6 Trade Cards: Children, Ethnic Costumes...
Clark's O.N.T. Spool Cotton Trade Cards Trade C...
Three on a Toboggan, Man Wearing Snowshoes, Sno...
Murray & Lanman, Florida Water, The Richest of ...
Grands Tragiques Grecs. 1. Eschyle: L'Orestie A...
Suchard Chocolat - Hot Air Balloon, Menu Trade ...
Lot of 40: Liebig Meat Extract Fleischextract T...
Perfumed with Austen's Fore...
Stony Brook, NY
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Lowe...
Lowell, MA
Two Girls & Toddler by Stream, Household Sewing...
Ask for Collins' Bread Advertising Trade Card T...
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Gives H...
Lowell, MA
Lot of 5 Trade Cards: Child...
Toledo, OH
Set of 20: Spanish Charles Lindbergh Trade Card...
Scott's Emulsion - Strength and Beauty - A litt...
1894 California Midwinter Fair This Bright-Eyed...
J. K. Wilkes, Civil Enginee...
Danbury, CT
Reward of Merit - Birds and...
Warren, PA
Rare Belding Bros. & Cos. S...
San Francisco, CA
Atkinson's "Jollities" - The Electric Spark Adv...
Sister Snowball - You Am a Liar Trade Cards Tra...
McClellan's Diphtheria Remedy - A Man Sitting A...
Fritz Spindle-Shanks, The Raven Black Advertisi...
Arbuckles' Ariosa Coffee - New Jersey Trade Car...
Servia (Serbia) - Three Men Behind a Singer Sew...
The Bennett Tea House Jerse...
Jersey City, NJ
Woman Suffrage Stove Polish Advertisement Postc...
Miller's Hotel, Nos. 37, 39...
New York City, NY
Where is Little Buttercup Advertising Trade Car...
Seabury's Medicated Toilet Soaps Advertising Tr...
Drawing of Toll Gate Nº3 Trade Card Trade Card
Abuckle's Coffee Vineyard on the Rhine and Fiel...
Indian Women Sewing Advertising Trade Card Trad...
Arbuckle's Ariosta Coffee - Costs More And is W...
Lyons Business College Mont...
Montgomery, AL
Nolan Brothers, Fine Shoes ...
San Francisco, CA
Solar Tip Shoes - Children Playing Advertising ...
The Best Tonic Mrs. President Cleveland Trade C...
Perfumed with Austen's Forest Flower Cologne, G...
Woman Spanking Boy With Shoe Trade Cards Trade ...
Bosnia -Singer Machine Advertising Trade Card T...
Frank Miller & Sons' Crown ...
Mattituck, NY
Prof. Horsford's Phosphatic Baking Powder Trade...
J.S. Larkin and Company Boraxine Trade Cards Tr...
Nature's Remedy Vegetine The Great Blood Purifi...
Acorn Stoves & Ranges Advertising Trade Card Tr...
Chocolat Devinck Advertising Trade Card Trade Card
A. Galli Fruit Company San ...
San Francisco, CA
Directions For Use - Thurbers' Electra For the ...
People in the Fields - Cotton Picking Alabama T...
Arbuckle's Coffee Company - Carolinas Advertisi...
J.J. Foster & Co., Clothier...
Pittsfield, MA
La Confiance Insurance Co. of Paris Advertising...
Austen's Forest Flower Colo...
Stony Brook, NY
Ayer's Pills - The Best Family Medicine Cure Tr...
The Everett Piano Pianos Trade Card Trade Card
Uncle Sam Home Light Oil Ad...
Portland, ME
Der Ritterschlag - Palmin Pflanzenbutter Trade ...
Animal - The Bird of Paradise Birds Trade Card ...
Three Kittens, Happy New Year New Year's J. Owe...
The Standard Sewing Machine...
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Gives Health and Sunny Hour...
A Birthday Gift Trade Card Trade Card
Abraham Lincoln and Family Trade Cards Trade Ca...
Journeymen Tailors' Union -...
San Francisco, CA
John F. Myers Oil Lamps and...
San Francisco, CA
Autumn Sparrows, They Sow / They Sew, Clark's M...
Esquimau, by Arbuckle Brothers Trade Cards Trad...
Rebekah at the Well - Dr. J...
Walton, NY
Puzzle Card Trade Cards Trade Card Trade Card