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(1-120 of 198)
County: Osage,Washington
198 Items Found
New Additions First
Old Additions First
Price (Lowest First)
Price (Highest First)
Catholic Church and Rectory...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Petroleum Co. Buil...
Bartlesville, OK
First Baptist Church Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
FIrst Oil Train Out of Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Price Tower Designed By Fra...
Bartlesville, OK
Buffalo Herd, Frank Phillip...
Bartlesville, OK
First National Bank Buildin...
Bartlesville, OK
First National Bank Buildin...
Bartlesville, OK
Oil Field, The Webber Pool ...
Bartlesville, OK
Maire Hotel Bartlesville, O...
Bartlesville, OK
High School Bartlesville, O...
Bartlesville, OK
De Witt Motel Bartlesville,...
Bartlesville, OK
Hudson's Modern Courts Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Hillcrest Country Club Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Garfield School Bartlesvill...
Bartlesville, OK
U.S. Bureau of Mines Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Bartlesville High School Ok...
Bartlesville, OK
Burlingame Hotel and Apts B...
Bartlesville, OK
First Presbyterian Church B...
Bartlesville, OK
First National Bank Buildin...
Bartlesville, OK
First Christian Church Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Bartlesville Zinc Company O...
Bartlesville, OK
Skyline from the South Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone Ave. North Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Third Street Looking East f...
Bartlesville, OK
Hillcrest Country Club Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Garfield School Bartlesvill...
Bartlesville, OK
First Presbyterian Church B...
Bartlesville, OK
Frank Phillips Riding Wild ...
Bartlesville, OK
U.S. Bureau of Mines Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Hillcrest Country Club Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Petroleum Company ...
Bartlesville, OK
The Almeda Hotel Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
City Hall Bartlesville, OK ...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Petroleum Company ...
Bartlesville, OK
Bird's Eye View of 3rd Stre...
Bartlesville, OK
Third St. Looking West Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Country Club Bartlesville, ...
Bartlesville, OK
First M.E. Church Bartlesvi...
Bartlesville, OK
Dewey Ave. Looking North Ba...
Bartlesville, OK
Bartlesville High School Ok...
Bartlesville, OK
Adams Building of the Phill...
Bartlesville, OK
Field House, Senior High Sc...
Bartlesville, OK
Woolaroc Lodge, F.P. Ranch ...
Bartlesville, OK
Skyline from the South Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Washington County Memorial ...
Bartlesville, OK
The Burlingame Hotel and Ap...
Bartlesville, OK
Cupola Courts Bartlesville,...
Bartlesville, OK
Masonic Building - Offices ...
Bartlesville, OK
F.P. Ranch - Bedroom with B...
Bartlesville, OK
White Buck Deer - Frank Phi...
Bartlesville, OK
Elk Bathing - Frank Phillip...
Bartlesville, OK
Y.M.C.A. Bartlesville, OK P...
Bartlesville, OK
Civic Center Bartlesville, ...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone Avenue Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Pioneer Telephone Building ...
Bartlesville, OK
The New Hotel Maire Bartles...
Bartlesville, OK
Elks' Home Bartlesville, OK...
Bartlesville, OK
Junior High School Bartlesv...
Bartlesville, OK
Carnegie Library Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone Ave. North Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Almeda Hotel Bartlesville, ...
Bartlesville, OK
Bartlesville Zinc Co. Oklah...
Bartlesville, OK
High School Building Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
City Hall and Fire Station ...
Bartlesville, OK
High School Building Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Washington County Memorial ...
Bartlesville, OK
Shooting an Oil Well Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Third St. Looking East Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone St., Looking Sout...
Bartlesville, OK
Cherokee Avenue Bridge Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Petroleum Co. Buil...
Bartlesville, OK
East African Zebra, Frank P...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Apartment Hotel Ba...
Bartlesville, OK
Carnegie Library Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Pumping Station, Prairie Oi...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone Park Bartlesville...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone Park Bartlesville...
Bartlesville, OK
Union Station Bartlesville,...
Bartlesville, OK
Adams Building -- Phillips ...
Bartlesville, OK
Union National Bank Buildin...
Bartlesville, OK
Masonic Empire Building Bar...
Bartlesville, OK
Anita Well Nr, 2 Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Caney Gas Well at Night-Bar...
Bartlesville, OK
Caney River RR Bridge Bartl...
Bartlesville, OK
Methodist Church Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Johnstone Avenue, North fro...
Bartlesville, OK
Just One More Sweet Kiss Ba...
Bartlesville, OK
Cattle Scene in Caney River...
Bartlesville, OK
Street Scene, Indian Territ...
Bartlesville, OK
Road to Frank Phillips Ranc...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillip Building and First ...
Bartlesville, OK
Dormitory, Central Christia...
Bartlesville, OK
F. P. Ranch Bartlesville, O...
Bartlesville, OK
Almeda Hotel Bartlesville, ...
Bartlesville, OK
Shooting an Oil Well Bartle...
Bartlesville, OK
Elks' Home Bartlesville, OK...
Bartlesville, OK
Catholic Church Bartlesvill...
Bartlesville, OK
Residence Street Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Union Depot Bartlesville, O...
Bartlesville, OK
Carnegie Library Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
First Presbyterian Church B...
Bartlesville, OK
Central high School Bartles...
Bartlesville, OK
Bartlesville Senior High an...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Petroleum Company....
Bartlesville, OK
Maire Hotel, Bartlesville, ...
Bartlesville, OK
Phillips Building - Offices...
Bartlesville, OK
The Almeda Hotel Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Third Street looking East B...
Bartlesville, OK
Elks Home Bartlesville, OK ...
Bartlesville, OK
Frank Phillip's Residence B...
Bartlesville, OK
Jefferson School Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
Bartlesville Zinc Co. Oklah...
Bartlesville, OK
Third St. Looking West Bart...
Bartlesville, OK
Post Office Bartlesville, O...
Bartlesville, OK
Christian Church Bartlesvil...
Bartlesville, OK
First M.E. Church Bartlesvi...
Bartlesville, OK
First M.E. Church Bartlesvi...
Bartlesville, OK
First M.E. Church Bartlesvi...
Bartlesville, OK
First M.E. Church Bartlesvi...
Bartlesville, OK