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(1-120 of 901)
Publisher: Cardinell-Vincent Co.
901 Items Found
New Additions First
Old Additions First
Price (Lowest First)
Price (Highest First)
Main Portal, Palace of Manufacturers, showing T...
Beautiful California Orange...
Scenic, CA
A Residence Street Suisun C...
Suisun City, CA
Courthouse Los Angeles, CA ...
Los Angeles, CA
Casino and Bathing Pavillio...
Santa Cruz, CA
Ranching in California - Combined Harvester at ...
La Purisima Concepcion Lomp...
Lompoc, CA
General View Of State Capit...
Sacramento, CA
The Old Mill, Built 1832, near Mt. Tamalpais Ca...
Birds Eye View Sonoma, CA P...
Sonoma, CA
A view of Broadway Sonoma, ...
Sonoma, CA
Boating on Russian River Sonoma County, Califor...
Sure Mike! A foreigner's answers to three quest...
Refugee Camp during reconst...
San Francisco, CA
Colonnades from the Court o...
San Francisco, CA
The Old Mill, built 1832, n...
Mill Valley, CA
Sun Room, Hotel Whitcomb Sa...
San Francisco, CA
The State Capitol Olympia, ...
Olympia, WA
Liberal Arts Palace , North Facade and Towers a...
The High School Merced, CA ...
Merced, CA
A Train Passing an Orange Grove in California R...
Founders Rock, University o...
Berkeley, CA
Lobby, Hotel Whitcomb San F...
San Francisco, CA
Elks and Army and Navy Club...
Manila, Philippines
The Southern Pacific Compan...
Oakland, CA
Panama Pacific Internationa...
San Francisco, CA
View of the Ruins of the No...
San Francisco, CA
The Primary School Watsonvi...
Watsonville, CA
The Beach Ocean Park, CA Po...
Ocean Park, CA
YMCA Building, Pan-Pac Int....
San Francisco, CA
Ridgeway's Tea Exhibit - Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Fountain of El Dorado San F...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Transportation Sa...
San Francisco, CA
Moana Hotel, Waikiki, T.H. ...
Waikiki, HI
New Million Dollar City Hal...
Oakland, CA
Fountain of Energy in South...
San Francisco, CA
Statue "Fire" 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Po...
"Aeroscope" Pan-Pac Int. Ex...
San Francisco, CA
Live Stock Section and Stadium 1948 1915 Panama...
Sunken Gardens of Arthur Le...
Los Angeles, CA
Gathering Prunes in the Col...
Oakdale, CA
Lot of 64 Original Panama-Pacific International...
Observatory station on Summ...
Mill VAlley, CA
Federal Realty Co. Bldg Oak...
Oakland, CA
Concrete Bridge over Dry Cr...
Modesto, CA
Pony Rides in Golden Gate P...
San Francisco, CA
Belmont School - The Gymnas...
Belmont, CA
"On the Road of a Thousand Wonders" Asian Postcard
King Pigeon Loft (10,000 Pi...
Hayward, CA
Mines exhibit of Bolivia 1915 Panama-Pacific Ex...
Palace Hotel San Francisco,...
San Francisco, CA
Exhibit Weeks-Howe-Emerson Co. Palace of Manufa...
A calm day on the Estuary A...
Alameda, CA
Southern Pacific Ferry Slip...
Oakland, CA
H. Liebes & Co. Fur Exhibit...
San Francisco, CA
City Hall Los Gatos, CA Pos...
Los Gatos, CA
The Greek Amphitheatre, Uni...
San Francisco, CA
Boating on San Francisco Ba...
Alameda, CA
View of 1st Street Modesto,...
Modesto, CA
Russian River Scene Califor...
Russian River, CA
Phelan Building San Francis...
San Francisco, CA
Plowing by steam, Ranch life in California Farm...
Town View, The Dredger Town...
Hammonton, CA
"Rigo every night at the Br...
San Francisco, CA
The Ferry Building San Fran...
San Francisco, CA
Motor Car in La Jolla, San ...
San Diego, CA
They say this town is dead....
Oakland, CA
Three Brothers Yosemite Val...
Yosemite Valley, CA
Lakeside Path, Golden Gate ...
San Francisco, CA
Path Through Golden Gate Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Tolumne County Exhibit California Building Pan-...
H. Liebes & Co. Fur Exhibit...
San Francisco, CA
Sand Dunes Y.W.C.A. Confere...
Asilomar, CA
Interior View of the Hawaii...
San Francisco, CA
Half Dome 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition Postcard
Washington Primary School N...
Napa, CA
Tha Patient Carabao Philipp...
The United States Mint San ...
San Francisco, CA
A View of Park Place Richmo...
Richmond, CA
Arch of the Setting Sun, By...
San Francisco, CA
Palace of Horticulture, Pan...
San Francisco, CA
Hunters Point Dry Docks San...
San Francisco, CA
Lobby in New Jersey Buildin...
San Francisco, CA
Luther Burbank Entertaining...
Santa Rosa, CA
West Virginia State Buildin...
San Francisco, CA
Arches of the Four Seasons ...
San Francisco, CA
Fine Arts Palace 1915 Panam...
San Francisco, CA
Honduras Building San Franc...
San Francisco, CA
Sun Tent and Awning Co. Exhibit in the Palace o...
Get Your Congressmen to Vot...
San Francisco, CA
The Russian River at Eaglen...
Guerneville, CA
Tower of Jewels and Fountai...
San Francisco, CA
Aeroplane View of Letterman...
San Francisco, CA
Aeroplane View of Presidio ...
San Francisco, CA
Italian Building 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition...
Residence Portion of Santa ...
Santa Rosa, CA
Wild Azalias Scenic, CA Pos...
Scenic, CA
Hawaiian Pineapple, District of Wahiawa, Island...
Navy Y.M.C.A Vallejo, CA Po...
Vallejo, CA
New York State Building, Pa...
San Francisco, CA
Key Route Ferry Terminal Oa...
Oakland, CA
Hotel Northern Seattle, WA ...
Seattle, WA
Panama-Pacific Internationa...
San Francisco, CA
Polytechnic High School Los...
Los Angeles, CA
Parapet Observatory, Sutro ...
San Francisco, CA
Lowell Grammar School San J...
San Jose, CA
Birdseye View - The Pan Pac. Int. Expo 1915 Gre...
CAtholic Church Placerville...
Placerville, CA
Get Your Congressmen to Vot...
San Francisco, CA
1340 Drying Peaches, Selma,...
Selma, CA
Christmas Greetings From Postcard Postcard
Mayor P.H. McCarthy Introdu...
San Francisco, CA
Tea House and Entrance, Jap...
San Francisco, CA
Post Exchange Fort McDowell...
San Francisco, CA
Entrance to the Tubbs' Esta...
Calistoga, CA
Fountain of Energy in South...
San Francisco, CA
A Niche in the Court of Fou...
San Francisco, CA
San Francisco, CA
Lowell Grammar School San J...
San Jose, CA
Main Street, Watsonville, C...
Watsonville, CA