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Category: Quebec
Category: Quebec
Foreign Countries
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(1 - 1000 of 3046
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New Additions First
Old Additions First
Price (Lowest First)
Price (Highest First)
Statue of Queen Victoria
Montreal, QC Canada
Main Street, Lachute, Quebec
Lachute, QC Canada
Rue de la Fabrique, Quebec
Quebec, QC Canada
Standish Hall Hotel, Dining...
Hull, QC Canada
Hôpital de St.-Jean
St. Johns, QC Canada
Expo 67 Montreal Monorail
Montreal, QC Canada
Old and New Catholic Church...
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
View from Main Building, Ma...
Ste. Anne de Bellevue, QC Canada
Rue de la Fabrique, Quebec ...
Quebec, QC Canada
Maison Montcalm, Quebec
Quebec, QC Canada
Pointe-a-Pic, Quebec - Ship...
Pointe-a-Pic, QC Canada
Volkswagen Silence Ad Postc...
Montreal, QC Canada
Au Bon Secours, Percé, Québec
Percé, QC Canada
Seigneurie de Vaudreuil Mot...
Dorion, QC Canada
Luxor Motel, Plessisville, ...
Plessisville, QC Canada
Arnold Lodge & Motel Inc., ...
St-Georges, QC Canada
Arnold Lodge & Motel Inc., ...
St-Georges, QC Canada
Montreal Harbour Front and ...
Montreal, QC Canada
Ice Palace, Montreal Carniv...
Montreal, QC Canada
Les Bequilles, The Crutches...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
Holy Stairs in Scala Santa,...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
E. Side, Maple Ave. Lake Me...
Lake Megantic, QC Canada
Convent of the Franciscan M...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
McGill University Medical B...
Montreal, QC Canada
MacDonald College Ste. Anne...
Ste. Anne De Bellevue, QC Canada
Inscription on Bronze Table...
Odanak, QC Canada
Shriners Hospitals for Crip...
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Chateau Windsor
Windsor, QC Canada
Castel des Pres Motel Bar ...
Trois Rivieres, QC Canada
Eglise et Presbytere
Saint-Anicet, QC Canada
Chalet La Sapiniere
Val-David, QC Canada
Laurentien Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Le Club Mon Tiki de la Sall...
Mont Laurier, PQ Canada
The Bridge between Quebec C...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Exterior View of the Post O...
St. Johns, QC Canada
Kon-Tiki Restaurant, Sherat...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Students' Union, McGill...
Montreal, QC Canada
Dog Sledding, Cannons, Mont...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Chalet Sports Facilities
St. Agathe-des-Moines, QC Canada
La Place d'Armes
Montreal, QC Canada
La Pocatiere, QC Canada
Log Chateau and Manor House...
Montebello, PQ Canada
Dominion Square. Sightseein...
Montreal, QC Canada
Pyramids of Crutches in the...
La Côte-de-Beaupré, PQ Canada
Exterior View of the Church...
Quebec, QC Canada
Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Civic Library, Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Buckley's Inn and Cabins
Gaspe, PQ Canada
Panorama of Gaspé
Gaspe, PQ Canada
Sunrise from Buckley's
Gaspe, PQ Canada
Inner Harbour from South Side
Gaspe, PQ Canada
New Sherbrooke Hotel
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Grand Trunk Railway Station
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Kent House
Montmorency Falls, QC Canada
Scala Santa, Sainte-Anne-de...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
The Mid-Way-House
Leeds Station, QC Canada
General View
Port Daniel, PQ Canada
Motel L'Abitation
Quebec, QC Canada
T. Eaton Co. Ltd Department...
Montreal, QC Canada
Portes Kent (Kent Gates)
Quebec, QC Canada
Motel L'Abitation
Quebec, QC Canada
Main Dining Room at Nick's ...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Nick's Paradise
Quebec, QC Canada
Nick's Barbecue
Quebec City, QC Canada
Cabines. Manoir Cacouna
Caouna, PQ Canada
Scenic Railway, Dominion Park
Montreal, QC Canada
Congress Inn, Auberge des G...
Laurier, PQ Canada
St. Louis Street - House wh...
QC, Canada
Manoir Richelieu
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Manor and Pharmacy
Berthierville, QC Canada
Saint Lawrence River
Berthierville, QC Canada
Street Scene
Berthierville, QC Canada
View of Tadousac
Tadousac, QC Canada
Tadousac and Lake Catellier
Tadousac, QC Canada
Le Port, Bagotville
Saguenay, QC Canada
The Promenade - Manoir Rich...
QC, Canada
The Rustimac Tea Room
Cap-Chat, QC Canada
A Steep Mountain Road
Gaspé, QC Canada
Cross Country Skiing
Lac-Beauport, QC Canada
View of J. C. Van Horne Bri...
Gaspe, PQ Canada
Wharf, Murray Bay
QC, Canada
St. John's Gate
QC, Canada
Chateau de Ramezay
Montreal, QC Canada
L'église Notre Dame des Vic...
QC, Canada
The Windsor
Montreal, QC Canada
The Beacon Motor Hotel
Jordon Harbour, PQ Canada
Hotel Commercial
Mont Joli, PQ Canada
Club Nautique St. Jean Yach...
St. Johns, QC Canada
St. Patrick's Church
Magog, QC Canada
Chateau Frontenac from Duff...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Main Street looking West
Coaticook, PQ Canada
Coaticook Rover Looking North
Coaticook, PQ Canada
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Manoir Richelieu, Point-Au-Pic
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
The Chateau Murray and Tenn...
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
The Village of Malbaie
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Scenic View
Matone, QC Canada
Motel de Levis - Prop. A. T...
Québec City, QC Canada
Battery Park Hotel
Gaspe, QC Canada
View of the Town of Gaspe, ...
Gaspe, QC Canada
Fish Hatchery
Gaspe, QC Canada
The Igloo Chalet Cochand on...
Ste-Marguerite, QC Canada
Practice Slope at Chalet Co...
Ste Marguerite, PQ Canada
Chalet Cochand
Ste Marguerite, QC Canada
Downhill Skier, Chalet Coch...
Ste. Marguerite, QC Canada
Skis on porch of Chalet Coc...
Sainte-Marguerite, QC Canada
The Fish are Big Here
Chartierville, PQ Canada
Greetings from Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Greetings from Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Greetings from Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Greetings from Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Sacred Heart Monument
Trois-Rivieres, QC Canada
Municipal Library
Montreal, QC Canada
Kent House
Montmorency, QC Canada
Lot of 56 Photographs: Hist...
QC, Canada
Yamaska River near Saint-Cé...
Saint-Césaire, QC Canada
Where Montgomery Fell
QC, Canada
Interieur de l'Eglise st. Z...
QC, Canada
L'Auberge Des 4 Chemins Hot...
Champigny, QC Canada
College St Bernard
Drummondville, QC Canada
Dominion Textile Company
Drummondville, QC Canada
Foyer approach to the Ninth...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Main Lounge, Adele Lodg...
Adele en Haut, QC Canada
International Boundry Derby...
Rock Island, QC Canada
Sun Life Assurance Co. Buil...
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Commercial
Fraserville, QC Canada
Hotel-Motel Du Rocher
Madeleine Centre, PQ Canada
Camping at The Little Brook
Bonaventure, QC Canada
McGill College Arts Building
Montreal, QC Canada
Macdonald College Biology-B...
St. Anne - de- Belleville, QC...
The "New Sherbrooke"
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
St. Charles Seminary
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
New Wellington Hotel, Sherb...
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
General View, King Street
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Convent of the Ursulines
Trois-Rivières, QC Canada
The Canadian Bank of Commer...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Queen's Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
St-Barthelemy, QC Canada
Monastery & Basilica, Anne-...
Saint Anne De Beaupre, QC Canada
Hoisting the Span - Quebec ...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Pont de Québec
Québec City, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge, View from th...
Quebec, QC Canada
Suspended Span Falling, Que...
Quebec City, QC Canada
View of Quebec Bridge after...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Look Dear, Geography!' - ca...
Montreal, QC Canada
Collège Notre-Dame, Panoram...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Queen Elizabeth
Montreal, QC Canada
E.T. Bank Head Office, Fras...
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
The Maples Hotel
Lakeside, QC Canada
The Holy Stair in the Scala...
Quebec, QC Canada
Laval University
QC, Canada
Motel & Hotel Belle Plage
Matane, PQ Canada
Canadian International Pape...
La Tuque, QC Canada
Le Saumon de Gaspé Fumé - T...
Montreal, QC Canada
Panorama Percé, Gaspé Penin...
Percé, PQ Canada
Motel Louise
Quebec, QC Canada
Motel-Restaurant Orleans, Inc.
Giffard, QC Canada
Motel-Restaurant Orleans
Giffard, QC Canada
Adams Motel Inc.
Gaspe, QC Canada
Court House
Quebec, QC Canada
P.M. Restaurant
Cap de la Madeleine, PQ Canada
Gem Motel, Dining Room & Co...
Montreal, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge
QC, Canada
Montreal from Mount Royal
Montreal, QC Canada
Panorama of Gaspé, Showing ...
Gaspé, PQ Canada
General View of Montreal fr...
Montreal, QC Canada
Castel des Pres Motel
Trois-Rivieres, QC Canada
The spacious pool at the St...
Ste. Adele-en-haut, QC Canada
A plunge in the pool at the...
Ste. Adele-en-hau, QC Canada
Foyer Approach to Ninth Flo...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Chalet - Club House at ...
Laval, QC Canada
Zenith Motel
Ste. Anne de Beaupré, PQ Canada
Club de Golf
Grand-Mère, QC Canada
Manoir Richelieu, Murray Bay
Rue Richelieu, QC Canada
The Seigniory Club
Lucerne, QC Canada
Color view of the Dominion ...
Montreal, QC Canada
Chateau Frontenac
Québec, QC Canada
St. Lawrence Hall
Montreal, QC Canada
St. James Cathedral and Y.M...
Montreal, QC Canada
St. Lawrence Street, lookin...
Montreal, QC Canada
St. James Street
Montreal, QC Canada
La Rue Sainte-Catherine
Montreal, QC Canada
Redpath Library and Presbyt...
Montreal, QC Canada
London, Liverpool & Globe B...
Montreal, QC Canada
St. John's Yacht Club
St. Johns, QC Canada
Auberge Du Faubourg
St. Jean Port Joli, QC Canada
Au Fetit Hameau
Champigny, QC Canada
Old French Cottages
Quebec, QC Canada
Chemistry Building, McGill ...
Montreal, QC Canada
Entrance to Gaspe Que.
Gaspe, QC Canada
Cascade Inn and Kent House
Shawinigan Falls, QC Canada
Greetings from Quebec
QC, Canada
Restaurant Mon Copain
Rimouski, QC Canada
Gaspe Nord
Gaspe Nord, QC Canada
Aerial View of University o...
Montreal, QC Canada
Auberge du Faubourg
St. Jean Port Joli, QC Canada
Menara Moroccan Restaurant
Montreal, QC Canada
Canadian Pacific Railway Wi...
Montreal, QC Canada
Cafe Henry Burger - 69 Laur...
Hull, PQ Canada
Bonaventure Station
Montreal, QC Canada
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
Windsor Street Station and ...
Montreal, QC Canada
Royal Victoria Hospital
Montreal, QC Canada
Royal Victoria College
Montreal, QC Canada
Victoria Jubilee Bridge
Montreal, QC Canada
Notre Dame Street, Montreal...
Montreal, QC Canada
Kent House, Former Residenc...
Montmorency, PQ Canada
Montreal from Mount Royal
Montreal, QC Canada
Montreal Carnival of Winter...
Montreal, QC Canada
Chateau de Ramezay
Montreal, QC Canada
Station Street
Danville, QC Canada
Dufferin Terrace
Quebec City, QC Canada
Manège Militaire - Quebec C...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Miner and Walpole Rubber Co.
Granby, QC Canada
Le Gare Bonaventure
Montreal, QC Canada
July 1st, 1912
Danville, QC Canada
Danville Square
Danville, QC Canada
Three Mile Crossing
St. Pierre les Becquets, QC...
Paton Woollen Mills
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Pharmacie Montral Pharmacy
Montreal, QC Canada
Pharmacie Montral Pharmacy
Montreal, QC Canada
Pharmacie Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Queen's Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Winter Scene - Sledges on t...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Chateau Blanc
Bonaventure, PQ Canada
Séminaire St. Charles Borromée
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Basilica of Sainte-Anne de ...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
The Old Church and St. Anne...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
The Old St. Sulpice Seminar...
Montreal, QC Canada
Butterfly Hosiery Co. Limited
Drummondville, QC Canada
Medical Arts Building
Montreal, QC Canada
Eaton's New Resaturant
Montreal, QC Canada
Club Nautique
Sorel, QC Canada
King George and Queen Eliza...
Montreal, QC Canada
Winter View on Mountain Street
Montreal, PQ Canada
The Westmount Lookout
Westmount, PQ Canada
Saint Joseph's Oratory of M...
Montreal, PQ Canada
View from the Lookout on Mo...
Montréal, PQ Canada
Sea Gulls on a Beach
Percé, QC Canada
Percé Rock
Percé, PQ Canada
Percé Rock, Mont Joli
Percé, PQ Canada
Cleaning Fish on the Beach,...
Percé, PQ Canada
Percé Rock
Percé, PQ Canada
View from Observatory at Perce
Percé, QC Canada
Malartic Theatre and Bank
Malartic, PQ Canada
The Bank of Toronto Malartic
QC, Canada
East Malartic Gold Mine
Norrie, QC Canada
Church and Home
Malartic, QC Canada
QC, Canada
Quebec Bridge Looking from ...
Quebec Bridge, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge - Placing Fir...
QC, CAnada
McGill University, MacDonal...
Ste. Anne De Bellevue, QC Canada
Ground Floor at Brisson & B...
Montreal, QC Canada
Saint Joseph's Oratory of M...
Montreal, QC Canada
Hospice St. Antoine
Saint-Lin-Laurentides, QC Canada
Foyer Approach to Ninth Flo...
Montreal, QC Canada
Beaupre Motel
St-Zotique, QC Canada
Chamard's Lorne House, a La...
Murray Bay, QC Canada
Hotel des Laurentides
Beauport, QC Canada
Serge Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
View from the River
Huntingdon, QC Canada
Magog in Winter
Magog, QC Canada
Little Champlain Street
Quebec, QC Canada
Come On Up the Fishing Is Good
Magog, QC Canada
Miner Park
Granby, QC Canada
Motel des Laurentides
Beauport, QC Canada
Hotel Des Laurentides
Beauport, QC Canada
Far Hills Inn
Val Morin Sta, PQ Canada
Canadian Sport Series - Ice...
Montreal, QC Canada
County Court House
Cookshire, QC Canada
St. Catherine St. at Night
Montreal, QC Canada
Sanctuary Sainte-Anne De Sa...
Sabrevois, PQ Canada
St. Peter's Anglican Church
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Little Champlain Street and...
Quebec City, QC Canada
Bowling Green and Tennis Court
Outremont, QC Canada
Produits Callette Inc.
Maskinonge, PQ Canada
Indian Handicraft Gift Shop
Maria, QC Canada
Cosy Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
New Chevrolet and Oldsmobil...
Trois Pistoles, QC Canada
Arnold Lodge & Motel
Beauce, QC Canada
Lahoud Motel
Beauport, PQ Canada
Sun Valley Motel
Ste. MArthe du Cap de la...
Trinity Rock, Saguenay Fjor...
Rivière-Éternité, QC Canada
Franciscan Sisters Mission ...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
Montreal, QC Canada
Exit from the House of Nons...
Montreal, QC Canada
Sun-Rise Cabins
Lanoraie, QC Canada
Sun-Rise Cabins
Lanoraie, QC Canada
Constellation Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
The Place to Stay in Old Qu...
Laurier, QC Canada
Hotel/MotelDu Rocher
Madeleine Centre, PQ Canada
Feller Institute College Fo...
Grande-Ligne, QC Canada
Quebec IIIe Centenaire 1608...
QC, Canada
Stanley St. Garage
Montreal, PQ Canada
Custom House
Montreal, QC Canada
Memory of Old Quebec - Orig...
Quebec, QC Canada
O'Neill's Motel
Les Saules, PQ Canada
2ième Avenue
St-Georges-de-Beauce, QC Canada
Expo 67 - Ethiopian Pavillion
Montreal, QC Canada
Biard's Resaurant
Perce, QC Canada
Cosy Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
Prince of Wales Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Moreau's River
Lake St. John, QC Canada
Ursuline Convent
Stanstead, QC Canada
Madeleine Vendre - Gaspe
Decastelnau, QC Canada
Puffins on Bonaventure Isla...
Percé, PQ Canada
The Mount Royal Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Church of St. Maurice, Dioc...
Hotel-Motel Castel de la Mer
Pointe-au-Pic (Murray-Bay),...
Hotel St. Louis
Rimouski, PQ Canada
Adams Motel & Restaurant
Gaspe, PQ Canada
View of the Town
Gaspe, PQ Canada
La Gaspesie
Madeleine, PQ Canada
Agate and Handicrafts Cente...
Sainte-Flavie, QC Canada
Le Vendome Restaurant
Quebec, QC Canada
Rue Principale
Mont-Laurier, PQ Canada
Village St. Pierre, Island ...
St. Pierre, PQ Canada
Canadian Pacific Railway St...
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
View of Hotel Ford
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Manoir Victoria
Victoriaville, PQ Canada
Cafe Henry Burger
Hull, PQ Canada
The "Homestead", 1522 Sherb...
Montreal, QC Canada
La Fontaine Park
Montreal, QC Canada
Montreal from Mount Royal
Montreal, PQ Canada
The Basilica--La Basilique
Quebec City, QC Canada
Macdonald College - Live St...
QC, Canada
Baptist Church
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Noyan Looking South
Noyan, PQ Canada
IIIth Centennial Quebec: 16...
PQ, Canada
Chalet Mon Repos Motel & Ca...
Montreal, QC Canada
Motel St. Laurent
Rimouski, PQ Canada
Kent House Hotel and Montmo...
Quebec City, PQ Canada
Les Chatelaines De Warwick ...
Warwick, QC Canada
MOtel-Hotel Manoir Sur Mer
Sainte-Anne-des-Monts, QC Canada
Ski Lifts At Mont Sutton
Sutton, PQ Canada
La Gaspesie
Matane, PQ Canada
Menuisiers Allant & L'Ouvrage
QC, Canada
Street on the Iroquois Indi...
Caughnawaga, QC Canada
Laurentien Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Macdonald College - Main Bu...
Bellevue, QC Canada
Women's Residence, Macdonal...
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC...
Poultry Buildings, MacDonal...
Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC Canada
Men's Residence, Macdonald ...
Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC...
Montreal from Mount Roayl
Montreal, QC Canada
Colford Lodge Laurentian Mo...
St. Canut, QC Canada
"Lac Trois Saumons"
QC, Canada
Malartic La Mine "East Mala...
Abitibi, QC Canada
Dufferin Avenue
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Three Color Camps
Beauce, QC Canada
The Basilica
Quebec City, QC Canada
La Basilique Sainte-Anne-de...
Quebec, QC Canada
Château Frontenac
Quebec, QC Canada
St. Catherine Street
Montreal, QC Canada
Montreal International Airport
Montreal, QC Canada
"Ellabank", Lake Memphremagog
Georgeville, QC Canada
City Hall
Montreal, QC Canada
La Palais de Justice
Montreal, QC Canada
Chateau de Ramesay
Montreal, QC Canada
Cape Trinity - Saguensy River
QC, Canada
Carter's Sleigh on Dominion...
Montreal, QC Canada
Notre Dame Church
Montreal, QC Canada
South African Monument
Montreal, QC Canada
Victoria Bridge
Montreal, QC Canada
Place d'Armes and Bank of M...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Maisonneuve Monument
Montreal, QC Canada
Victoria Square
QC, Canada
St. Louis Gate
Quebec City, QC Canada
Old Bread Oven
Tadousac, QC Canada
Wolfe's Cove
QC, Canada
Lachine Rapids, Whirlpool
QC, Canada
Sleighing on the Mountain
Montreal, PQ Canada
Typical Canadian Winterscen...
QC, Canada
Maison Du Duc de Kent
Montmorency Falls, QC Canada
Nouvelles Residences Rue Al...
Trois-Riviers, QC Canada
Eglise St. Philippe
PQ, Canada
Apre Une Bordee de Neige a ...
Trois-Riveres, PQ Canada
The Market
Trois-Rivieres, QC Canada
Chateau Frontenac et Citadelle
QC, Canada
The Basilica
QC, Canada
Montmorency Falls, the natu...
QC, Canada
The Elevators as Seen from ...
Quebec, QC Canada
The Falls of Montmorency
QC, Canada
No. 123 Quebec, Eglise de J...
Quebec, QC Canada
Dufferin Terrace
QC, Canada
Restaurant Mon Copain
Rimouski, QC Canada
Au Coin De La Baie, Motel e...
Metis Beach, QC Canada
Motel Belle Plage
Carleton, QC Canada
Motel Rita
Rimouski, PQ Canada
Motel Belle Plage
Carleton, QC Canada
Motel Mechin-sure-Mer
Matane, PQ Canada
Baird's Restaurant
Perce, QC Canada
Hotel/Motel Du Rocher
Madeleine Center, QC Canada
Motel Belle Plage
Carleton Sur-Mer, PQ Canada
Au Coin De La Baie Motel et...
Metis sur Mer, PQ Canada
Le Ruisseau Sorel
PQ, Canada
Biard's Restaurant, Rooms, ...
Percé, QC Canada
Motel Belle Plage
Carleton Sur-Mer, PQ Canada
Maritime Museum of the Ligh...
Matane, QC Canada
La Gaspesie
QC, Canada
Dorchester Street looking East
Montreal, QC Canada
Au Coin De La Baie
Metis sur Mer, PQ Canada
The Stairs to the Lookout, ...
Perce, PQ Canada
Hotel St-Cerny
Verchères, PQ Canada
Adams Motel and Restaurant
Gaspe, QC Canada
QC, Canada
Hotel Motel Le Retour Enr.
Maria, QC Canada
Biard's Restaurant
Perce, QC Canada
Hotel/Motel du Rocher
Madeleine Centre, PQ Canada
Royal Cabins
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Motel Louise, Blvd
Laurier, QC Canada
Montclair Motel
QC, Canada
Transparent Windows - Grand...
Montreal, QC Canada
Ex-Presidnt Taft's House
Murray Bay, QC Canada
Prince Arthur Street from P...
Montreal, QC Canada
Musee Royale
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, QC Canada
"La Chaumiere"
Rimouski, QC Canada
Motel Carleton
Carleton, PQ Canada
Motel Louise, Blvd Laurier
QC, Canada
La Gaspesie
Cap Blanc, PQ Canada
Motel Pierre - Restaurant B...
QC, Canada
Motel Carleton
Carleton, PQ Canada
Cap Blanc, Pointe-Au-Pic
QC, Canada
Tadousac Hotel
Tadousac, PQ Canada
Grand Discharge
Lake St. John, PQ Canada
Chateau Saguenay
Chicoutimi, PQ Canada
Arena Labrecque
Chicoutimi, PQ Canada
Ecole Normale
Chicoutimi, PQ Canada
Le Port Chicoutimi
Saguenay, PQ Canada
Hotel Roberval
Roberval, PQ Canada
Maison du Duc de Kent
Montmorency Falls, PQ Canada
Scala Santa
Ste. Anne De Beaupre, PQ Canada
Souvenir of the Old Church
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, PQ Canada
Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
Interior of Basilica
Ste. Anne De Beaupre, PQ Canada
Pyramid of Crutches
Ste. Anne De Beaupre, PQ Canada
Market Scene
PQ, Canada
L'Eglise Notre Dame des Vic...
Quebec City, PQ Canada
Champlain Market
PQ, Canada
St. Johns Gate
PQ, Canada
The River
PQ, Canada
Quebec, Chateau Frontenac, ...
QC, Canada
Chateau de Ramezay
Montreal, PQ Canada
Bonsecours Market
Montreal, PQ Canada
Queen's Hotel
Montreal, PQ Canada
Grand Trunk Railway Station
Montreal, PQ Canada
Cape Trinity on the Saguena...
PQ, Canada
Little Saguenay
Saguenay, PQ Canada
Lindsay's Beach
QC, Canada
Au Chateau-du-Lac Tennis Co...
St. Donat, PQ Canada
Casino and Swimming Pool, M...
Murray Bay, QC Canada
Ford Hotel
Montreal, PQ Canada
Drummondville Golf & Curlin...
Drummondville, PQ Canada
Manoir Saint-Castin
Lac Beauport, PQ Canada
View From 9th Tee, Manoir R...
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Lady of the Lake Leaving Ow...
Mansonville, QC Canada
Monument Jacques Cartier, S...
QC, Canada
Court House
Quebec City, QC Canada
Club House, Manoir Richelie...
Murray Bay, QC Canada
The Murray Bay Golf Club
Murray Bay, QC Canada
At the Golf Links
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Tadoussac from Golf Links
Tadoussac, QC Canada
Richlieu Golf Links
Murray Bay, QC Canada
Murray Bay Golf Club
La Malbaie, QC Canada
Armitage's Cabins
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Slumberland Cabins
Niagara Falls, PQ Canada
The Hillside Inn
Metis Beach, QC Canada
Large Park Slide on Mount R...
Mount Royal, PQ Canada
The Fire, St Anne de Beaupr...
Quebec, QC Canada
Playing the Salmon
Gaspe, PQ Canada
View of Saint-Calixte
Saint-Calixte, PQ Canada
Laurentien Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
La Gaspésie
Perce, QC Canada
Bonsecours Market
Montreal, QC Canada
Auberge Handfield, Dans Un ...
Saint Marc Sur Richelieu, PQ...
The Mill
Brighan, QC Canada
View Looking East
Brighan, QC Canada
Congregational Church
Brighan, QC Canada
C.P.R. Station
Brigham, QC Canada
Church St.
Brighan, QC Canada
Brighan Looking West
Brighan, PQ Canada
Jas Dougall Residence
Brighan, QC Canada
Cap Gros Morne
Gaspe, PQ Canada
Dining Room, Hotel Commercial
Mont-Joli, PQ Canada
12th Green - Manoir Richelieu
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Massawippi Lake from Elmwoo...
Ayers Cliff, QC Canada
Melbourne Street
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Pocahontas Boat, Capt. G.J....
North Hatley, QC Canada
Bird's Eye View
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Chamard's Lorne House From ...
La Malbaie, PQ Canada
Westmount Golf Links
Montreal, QC Canada
Westmount Golf Linke
Montreal, QC Canada
Kon Tiki
Montreal, QC Canada
Montclair Motel
Trois-Rivières, QC Canada
Montreal, QC Canada
Martinique Hotel Motor Inn
Montreal, QC Canada
Queen Street Looking West D...
Sault Ste Marie, PQ Canada
St. Lawrence Boulevard
Montreal, PQ Canada
Potton Springs Hotel
Potton, PQ Canada
View Down Waterway
Lac Bowker, PQ Canada
J.O. Hubert Department Store
Maniwaki, QC Canada
At Cedar Lake
Messines, QC Canada
Williams Chev-Olds Cadillac...
Hull, PQ Canada
Snyder Automobiles Ltd.
Lachine, QC Canada
Motel Levesque Inc.
Riviere-du-Loup, PQ Canada
Motel L'Oiseau Bleu
Brossard, PQ Canada
Piazza Tomasso
Montreal, PQ Canada
Kon-Tiki Restaurant
Montreal, QC Canada
Cafe Andre, Chemin Richmond
Windsor, QC Canada
Auberge du Faubourg
St. Jean Port Joli, PQ Canada
La Tournée du Moulin
Charlesbourg, QC Canada
Dining Room, Zenith Motel
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
The Town & Country Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
Mont-Tremblant Ski Club
Mont-Tremblant, QC Canada
The Tremblant Club
Mont Tremblant, QC Canada
Hotel Motel Charles Inc.
Beauce, PQ Canada
La Prairie Diner
La Prairie, QC Canada
Auberge de Paris
Quebec City, QC Canada
Gaspe Fish Hatchery
Gaspe, PQ Canada
H/Motel du Rocher
Madeleine Centre, PQ Canada
Dube Motel
Riviere du Loup, PQ Canada
Provincial Parliament Building
Quebec City, QC Canada
Montmorency Falls
Ville de Québec, QC Canada
Château Frontenac & Lower Town
Quebec City, QC Canada
Place d'Armes Square
Quebec City, QC Canada
St. John Gate
Quebec City, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge
Quebec, QC Canada
Birds on Bonaventure Island
Percé, QC Canada
City Mobile Homes Park Ltd....
East Laval, PQ Canada
Querbes Academy
Outremont, QC Canada
New Wellington Hotel
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Pharmacie Montreal
Montreal, PQ Canada
Montreal Pharmacy
Montreal, QC Canada
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
Park Slide - Winter Sports
Montreal, QC Canada
Canadian Winter Sports, Sno...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Cosy Motel
Jacques Cartier, QC Canada
Le Vendome
Montange, QC Canada
Kent House
Montomorency, QC Canada
Ye Olde Mill, Dominion Park
Montreal, QC Canada
Dominion Park
Montreal, QC Canada
Scenic Railway, Dominion Park
Montreal, PQ Canada
Myth City, Dominion Park
Montreal, QC Canada
Trapeze Performance, Domini...
Montreal, QC Canada
Montreal Street from Dufferin
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Royal Victoria Hospital
Montreal, QC Canada
Le Gobelet
Montreal, PQ Canada
QC, Canada
Hotel Union
Magog, QC Canada
The Queen Elizabeth
Montreal, QC Canada
Kon-Tiki Polynesian Restaurant
Montreal, QC Canada
Motel Louise
Laurier, PQ Canada
Le Laurentien
Montreal, QC Canada
La Parisienne Motel
Jacques Cartier, PQ Canada
Bel Air Motel
Montreal, PQ Canada
Seminaire Saint Thomas D'Aq...
Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC...
Windsor Steak House
Montreal, PQ Canada
Grand Trunk Railway Station
Montreal, QC Canada
Bringing in the Spoils, Kip...
Kipawa, PQ Canada
Nursery, Windsor Station
Montreal, PQ Canada
Ste Anne de Beaupre, PQ Canada
Hospital? Interior of Room ...
Nicolet, PQ Canada
The Boat House, Sargent Camp
Peterboro, PQ Canada
Main Lounge in the Log Chat...
PQ, Canada
Main Lounge in the Log Chat...
PQ, Canada
Rustic Bridge
Montmorency Falls, PQ Canada
The Arts Building and Moyse...
Montreal, QC Canada
Snowshoers Tramping Across ...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Bird's Eye View of City
Montreal, QC Canada
Camping in the Beautiful Pr...
Noranda, PQ Canada
View of the Three Lakes
Abestos, PQ Canada
Camping Mon Repos Inc.
Rouville, QC Canada
View From the Top of Owl's ...
Georgeville, QC Canada
Skinner's Cave, Lake Memphr...
Magog, QC Canada
Potton White Sulphur Springs
PQ, Canada
Le Convent de Grand-Mère
Grand-Mère, QC Canada
Rue Richelieu Street
St. Johns, PQ Canada
Dunn's Famous Delicatessen
Montreal, QC Canada
Laurentian, Dominion Square
Montreal, PQ Canada
College de Victoriaville
Victoriaville, PQ Canada
Wesleyan Methodist Church
Stanstead, QC Canada
T. Eaton Co. Ltd Department...
Montreal, QC Canada
New T-Bar Mt. Snow
Rawdon, QC Canada
James Bay Hydro-Electric Pr...
Baie James, QC Canada
James Bay Project
Baie James, QC Canada
Lake Memphremagog
Georgeville, QC Canada
Main Building, Exhibition G...
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
View of Magog River Showing...
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
The Montrealer Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
Carillon Hotel Motel and Re...
Ste-Foy, QC Canada
Shamrock Motel & Restaurant
Quebec, QC Canada
Motel de Chatillon
Cap-Sante, QC Canada
La Gasperie
Perce, QC Canada
Gaspesie Hotel Motel Bon Ac...
Riviere Madeleine, PQ Canada
St. Joseph's Oratory
Montreal, QC Canada
Souvenir of Sherbrooke
Sherbooke, PQ Canada
Le Palais de Justice - Cour...
Montreal, QC Canada
Rock Island, Que. and Derby...
Rock Island, QC Canada
Jacques Cartier Motor Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
North Georgetown Presbyteri...
Howick, QC Canada
Motel L'Ermitage
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Motel Claire Fontaine
Saint-Raymond, QC Canada
Motel Olympique
Longueuil, QC Canada
Restaurant-Motel Au Martinet
Ste-Anne de la Pocatiere, QC...
Auberge du Faubourg Resort
St-Jean-Port-Joli, QC Canada
Jenny Rock's Motel
St-Hubert, PQ Canada
Montreal Tourist Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Motel St-Louis
Charlevoix, PQ Canada
Auberge Rivière-Ouelle
Rivière-Ouelle, QC Canada
Hotel-Motel Henri IV
Laurier, QC Canada
Jenny Rock's Motel
St-Hubert, QC Canada
Motel Central
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, PQ...
Motel Bon Soir
Joliette, QC Canada
Motel Metropole
Montreal, PQ Canada
Albert Hotel
L'Île-du-Grand-Calumet, QC...
Hotel Mont-Rolland
Mont-Rolland, PQ Canada
Motel Metropole
Montreal, QC Canada
Jenny Rock's Motel
St. Hubert, PQ Canada
Hotel-Motel Manoir Normandie
Rimouski-Est, QC Canada
Trocadero Motel and Restauran
Laprairie, QC Canada
La Tournee Du Moulin
Orsainville, PQ Canada
Au Martinet Restaurant and ...
Cafe Rex
Waterloo, QC Canada
Astor Restaurant
Montreal, QC Canada
Restaurant Ruisselet
Boanventure, QC Canada
Whitefish Lodge - Cottage No.2
Gracefield, QC Canada
Motel le Champlain
Brossard, PQ Canada
Main Street
Chandler, QC Canada
Montreal From Water Front
Montreal, QC Canada
Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, QC...
Main Street
Gaspe, QC Canada
Victoria Square
Montreal, QC Canada
St. Patrick's Church
Montreal, QC Canada
Motel/Hotel Baie Bleue
Carleton, QC Canada
Community Center
Lebel-sur-Quevillon, QC Canada
Motel & Hotel Belle Plage
Matane, QC Canada
Motel L'Etape
Mont-Laurier, QC Canada
Motel Colonial
Rimouski, QC Canada
Pal's Motel
Val d'Or, QC Canada
Motel Metropole
St. Leonard, QC Canada
Magog Hotel
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Ritz-Carlton Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Voyageur Motor Hotel
Quebec, QC Canada
Adams Motel
Gaspé, QC Canada
Chateau Frontenac and Champ...
Quebec, QC Canada
City Hall
Quebec, QC Canada
Laval University
Quebec, QC Canada
Motel Oncle Sam
Ste Foy, PQ Canada
Motel St. Laurent
Rimouski, PQ Canada
Along Mt. St. Pierre, Perro...
Mt. St. Pierre, PQ Canada
White Pine Lodge
Temiskaming, QC Canada
Camp Site, Moose Season
Kipawa District, QC Canada
Court House
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
High School Building
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Bonaventure Station
Montreal, QC Canada
Main Office, Canada Power a...
Grand Mere, QC Canada
A Nice Catch
Lac-à-la-Tortue, QC Canada
Domaine d'Esterel Ski Lodge
Esterel, QC Canada
View of Bridge and River
Rawdon, QC Canada
Shriners Hospital for Cripp...
Montreal, QC Canada
Restigouche Salmon Club
Matapedia, QC Canada
Parkwood Log Cabins
Metis Beach, QC Canada
Camp Du Basquet
Riviere Madaleine, PQ Canada
Old Bake Oven and Homstead,...
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
Institut Feller - Dining Room
Grande Ligne, QC Canada
Ruisseau Hazen Iberville St...
QC, Canada
Le Bassin
Montmagny, QC Canada
Custom House, The Braves Mo...
Quebec, QC Canada
Quebec City and Chateau Fro...
Quebec, QC Canada
Trans-St. Laurent Ferry
St. Simeon, PQ Canada
Rowley's Cabins
Gaspe, QC Canada
Valley Inn Motel & Restaurant
Ste. Marthe du Cap de la...
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Ambrose
Montreal, QC Canada
The T. Eaton Co. Limited De...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Foyer
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Ambrose
Montreal, QC Canada
St. Louis Gate
Quebec, QC Canada
Silbro Textile Company
Montreal, QC Canada
St. John Street
Quebec, QC Canada
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
Sheraton-Mt. Royal Hotel - ...
Montreal, QC Canada
La Gaspésie
Prevel, PQ Canada
Stanstead Wesleyan College
Stanstead, QC Canada
Chateau Lake louise
Montreal, PQ Canada
The Mill
Baie Comeau, QC Canada
Lectra-Haul 120 Ton, Iron O...
Schefferville, PQ Canada
Camp Site
Laval University
Quebec, QC Canada
Plaza Principale
Hull, QC Canada
King Street Looking West
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Maison de Radio-Canada
Montreal, QC Canada
La Rue Principale
Ville La Pocatiere, QC Canada
Intersection King at Wellin...
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
On Rock Garden Restaurant
Montreal, QC Canada
Le Gobelet
Montreal, QC Canada
Parc des Voltigeurs
Drummondville, QC Canada
Clarendon Hotel
Quebec, QC Canada
Saint Joseph's Oratory - Pi...
Montreal, QC Canada
Bernard Avenue, Outremont
Montreal, QC Canada
High School
Granby, QC Canada
Transport Loaded with Canad...
Montreal, PQ Canada
St. George's Anglican Church
Granby, QC Canada
Windsor Hotel
Granby, QC Canada
Magog River Falls
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Gray Rocks Inn, Lake Ouimet
St. Jovite, QC Canada
Sherbrooke Country Club
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Court House
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Howards Park
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Sherbrooke High School from...
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Bringing in the Spoils, Kip...
Kipawa, PQ Canada
High School, Peel Street
Montreal, QC Canada
Pine Avenue in Winter
Montreal, QC Canada
St. Louis Gate
Quebec, QC Canada
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
City Hall and Courthouse fr...
Montreal, QC Canada
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
Roussy Memorial Church
Grande Ligne, PQ Canada
Notre Dame Church
Montreal, QC Canada
St. James Cathedral
Montreal, PQ Canada
Krausmann's Lorraine Cafe a...
Montreal, QC Canada
Cyclorama of Jerusalem
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupre, QC...
Canadian National Central S...
Montreal, QC Canada
Bellevue Hotel
Morin Heights, QC Canada
Motel L'Abitation
Quebec, QC Canada
Red Top Cabins
Quebec, QC Canada
Hotel Chalet du Lac
Beauport, QC Canada
Arnold Lodge & Motel
St-Georges-Beauce, QC Canada
Motel Raphael
Montreal, PQ Canada
Family at Dinner Table
Montreal, PQ Canada
Victoria Square
Montreal, QC Canada
English Cathedral
Quebec City, PQ Canada
Pharmacie Centrale "The Mos...
Quebec, QC Canada
Interieur de la Chapelle
Marieville, PQ Canada
The Local Leaving Lake Mega...
Lac Megantic, PQ Canada
Blue Sky and Falling Leaves
Caughnawaga Indian Reserve,...
The Start of a Romance on t...
Montreal, QC Canada
Habitant room
Montreal, QC Canada
Motel Auberge du Blvd. Laurier
Quebec, QC Canada
Desjardins Sea Foods, Famou...
Montreal, QC Canada
Auberge des Quatres Chemins
Champigny, PQ Canada
Boat Club
Knowlton, QC Canada
On the canal, Lachine
Lachine, QC Canada
L'Escalier de la Rue Champlain
Quebec, QC Canada
C. P. R. Imperial Limited T...
Montreal, QC Canada
Ice Palace 1910
Montreal, PQ Canada
McGill University
Montreal, QC Canada
Le Couvent du Sacre Coeur
Magog, QC Canada
Magog River
Magog, QC Canada
Arts Building, McGill Unive...
Montreal, QC Canada
St. Francis Golf Club
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Hospital Sherbrooke
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Kayser Silk Mills
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Dominion Textile Company
Magog, QC Canada
Skiing, Mount Royal
Montreal, QC Canada
Main Street
Magog, QC Canada
"Curling," Two Men with Brooms
Montreal, QC Canada
Museum Hotel
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, QC Canada
Au Vieux Canada Pittoresque
QC, Canada
Ski Tracks, Montreal Winter...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Robert Simpson's Store,...
Montreal, QC Canada
C.P.R. Station
Eastman, QC Canada
Out on a Ski Trail
QC, Canada
The Ritz Carlton Hotel, She...
Montreal, QC Canada
Magog River from Battles Ho...
Magog, QC Canada
College Street
Lennoxville, QC Canada
Au Vieux Canada Pittoresque...
Quebec, QC Canada
St. Patrick's Church
Magog, QC Canada
Au Vieux Canada Pittoresque...
QC, Canada
St. Mary School
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Hermitage Club
Magog, QC Canada
City Hall
Montreal, QC Canada
F.W. Woolworth Co., Limited
Montreal, QC Canada
Main Street
Eastman, QC Canada
Sleighing on Fletcher's Field
Montreal, QC Canada
Winter Sports on Top of Mou...
Montreal, QC Canada
Place Viger, Canadian Pacif...
Montreal, QC Canada
Skiers Resting on a Trail i...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Academy
Granby, QC Canada
Curling - Two Men with Brooms
Montreal, QC Canada
Dominion Experimental Farm
Lennoxville, QC Canada
St-Maurice Paper Office
St-Donat, QC Canada
Le Manoir Richelieu
Murray Bay, QC Canada
I Have Just Arrived at Mont...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Lower Town and Levis
Quebec, QC Canada
Dufferin Terrace - Promenad...
Quebec, QC Canada
Little Champlain Street
Quebec, PQ Canada
Lake Memphremagog
Magog, QC Canada
Owl's Head Mountain
Georgeville, QC Canada
View of Harbour
Quebec, PQ Canada
Road to Lake
PQ, Canada
Couventry Estate
PQ, Canada
Church Interior
Waterloo, PQ Canada
St. George's Church
Lennoxville, PQ Canada
Entrance to Bishop's Univer...
Lennoxville, PQ Canada
Bishops College
Lennoxville, PQ Canada
Bishops College School
Lennoxville, PQ Canada
View of Town
Waterloo, PQ Canada
Town With Mount Orford in B...
Magog, QC Canada
Head of Magog River
Magog, QC Canada
Battlefields Park
Quebec, QC Canada
Western Avenue
Waterloo, QC Canada
Stanstead Wesleyan College
Stanstead, QC Canada
Stanstead College
Stanstead, QC Canada
Stanstead College - Destroy...
Stanstead, QC Canada
Main Street
Waterloo, QC Canada
Lake View Cabins
Philipsburg, QC Canada
Adams' Motel Inc. & Restaur...
Gaspe, QC Canada
T. Eaton Company, Ltd. Depa...
Montreal, QC Canada
McKeeby Lodge
Gracefield, PQ Canada
Seigneurie de Vaudreuil Motel
Dorian, QC Canada
Lower Town and Gaspe Harbour
Gaspe, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge
Sainte-Foy, PQ Canada
Wreck of Quebec Bridge
Sainte-Foy, PQ Canada
Notre-Dame-des-Victoires Ch...
Quebec City, QC Canada
St. Peter's Church
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
The Chantceler Hotel
Ste. Adele, QC Canada
Chemin de Gaspe a Grand
E'Tang, QC Canada
Rugged Cliffs at Cap Bon Ami
Gaspe, QC Canada
Mont Gabriel Club
Piedmont, QC Canada
Quebec City from Parliament...
Quebec, QC Canada
Bonaventure, PQ Canada
Motel Roland
Chateau Richer, PQ Canada
Les Bateaux Leclerc Enr.
Citte l'Islet, PQ Canada
Auberge du Faubourg
St. Jean-Port-Joli, PQ Canada
Cafe Martin
Montreal, QC Canada
Rue de la Fabrique
Quebec, QC Canada
La Barre 500 Motel
Longueuil, QC Canada
Aux Anciens Canadiens
Quebec, QC Canada
Le Restaurant Aux Anciens C...
Quebec, QC Canada
Chantecler Hotel
Ste. Adele-en-haut, QC Canada
La Guinguette Terrace
Montreal, QC Canada
Verdun Natatorium
Verdun, QC Canada
Hotel des Laurentides
Beauport, QC Canada
Bonaventure Station
Montreal, QC Canada
Chateau de Blois
Trois-Rivieres, QC Canada
Bridge and Entrance
Papineauville, QC Canada
Couvent des S.S. Grises
Papineauville, QC Canada
Souvenir Val D'Or
Val D'Or, QC Canada
Motel L'Abitation
Quebec, QC Canada
La Roche a Veillon
Saint-Jean Port-Joli, PQ Canada
Motel L'Abitation
Quebec, QC Canada
Motel Florence
Montreal, QC Canada
Madrid Motel
St. Timothee, QC Canada
La Vielle France
Quebec, QC Canada
Le Martinique Motor Inn
Montreal, QC Canada
Anna Mabel Motel
Gaspe, QC Canada
Chateau Berthelet
Berthierville, QC Canada
City Hall - L'Hotel de Ville
PQ, Canada
Road in Mount Royal Park
Montreal, QC Canada
Windsor Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Manoir Richelieu
Murray Bay, QC Canada
McGill University, Engineer...
Montreal, QC Canada
View from City Hall Tower
Montreal, QC Canada
Palais d'Or Lounge
Montreal, QC Canada
Main Street
Shawbridge, QC Canada
St-Louis Gate
Quebec, QC Canada
Lower Spiral Tunnels
PQ, Canada
Ariel View of Prince Philip...
St. John's, QC Canada
Bonaventure Station-Canadia...
Montreal, QC Canada
St. Clair Tunnel Between Sa...
St. Clair, PQ Canada
Winter Street Scene
Montreal, QC Canada
The New Quebec Bridge
Levis, PQ Canada
Polar Bears Diving Into Poo...
Quebec, PQ Canada
Eglise Paroisiale
Murray Bay, QC Canada
Place Viger, Hotel and Station
Montreal, QC Canada
The Fire, March 29, 1922
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, PQ Canada
The Fire, March 29, 1922
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, PQ Canada
La Compagnie Paquet Ltee
Quebec, QC Canada
Arc De Ottowa
Quebec City, QC Canada
The Quebec Bridge
Quebec, QC Canada
Yacht Club
St. Johns, QC Canada
Drill Hall
Three Rivers, QC Canada
Holy Cross Hospital
Drummondville, QC Canada
New Sherbrooke House
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Sherbrooke Hospital
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
St. Vincent De Paul Hospital
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
The Huntingdon Chateau
Huntingdon, PQ Canada
Monument Memoire des Soldats
Lachute, QC Canada
Cabines Pingouin
Cacouna, PQ Canada
Oratoire St. Joseph
Montreal, QC Canada
Auberge de la Colline Motel...
St. Nicholas Station, QC Canada
Rivard Motel
Ancienne Lorette, QC Canada
O'Neill's Motel
Les Saules, QC Canada
Aerogare Quebec Air Terminal
Ancienne-Lorette, QC Canada
Carnaval de Québec
Quebec City, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge
Quebec, PQ Canada
St. John Gate
Quebec, PQ Canada
St. Louis Gate
Quebec, QC Canada
La porte St Jean - Gates of...
Quebec, QC Canada
Motel Du Pont
Quebec, QC Canada
Rue de la Fabrique
Quebec, QC Canada
La Basilique, Rue de la Fab...
Quebec, QC Canada
Lighthouse at Metis Beach
Gaspe, QC Canada
The Tremblant Club
Mont Tremblant, QC Canada
Central Hotel
Maniwaki, PQ Canada
Queen Street
Lennoxville, QC Canada
Victoria Jubilee Bridge, Gr...
PQ, Canada
Kent House
Quebec City, QC Canada
Villa Du Pont Mercier - Mer...
Ville LaSalle, PQ Canada
Rocky Roads to Dublin
St. Raymond, PQ Canada
Restaurant and Souvenir Pla...
Lanoraie, PQ Canada
Manoir Saint-Castin
Lac-Beauport, QC Canada
Manoir Saint-Castin Ski Area
Lac Beauport, QC Canada
Arnold Motel
St. George's, QC Canada
Blue Angel Cafe
Montreal, PQ Canada
Expo 67
Montreal, PQ Canada
Cinderella in the Garden of...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Steakhouse Le Fiacre
Sainte-Foy, QC Canada
Hotel-Motel L'Aristocrate
PQ, Canada
Sheraton - Mt. Royal Hotel
Montreal, QC Canada
Place d'Armes Ste. Anne St.
PQ, Canada
The Old Homestead Hotel and...
Quebec, PQ Canada
Foyer Approach to the Ninth...
Montreal, QC Canada
The Main Street
Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré, QC...
View of the Basilica
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, QC Canada
View of Village From the River
St. Anne de Beaupre, QC Canada
Maison du Duc de Kent
Montgomery Falls, QC Canada
Couvent de Jesus-Maris
Sillery, PQ Canada
Entrance of Saguenay River ...
Tadoussac, QC Canada
Saint Joseph's Oratory of M...
Montreal, QC Canada
Seminaire de Saint-Hyacinthe
Saint Hyacinthe, PQ Canada
Union Station and Main Post...
Quebec, QC Canada
Holiday Inn Montreal Seigne...
Montreal, PQ Canada
C.S.L. Cruise Ship at Wharf
Murray Bay, QC Canada
Hotel/Motel Le Vicomte
Vimont, PQ Canada
Indian Handicraft Gift Shop
Maria, QC Canada
Pharmacie Montreal
Montreal, PQ Canada
Pharmacie Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Motel L'Abitation
Quebec, PQ Canada
Chateau Berthelet
Berthierville, QC Canada
Restaruant "Le Heron"
Carleton-sur-mer, PQ Canada
Jacques Cartier Motel
Montreal, QC Canada
Auberge du Faubourg
St-Jean-Port-Joli, QC Canada
Place d'Armes
Quebec City, PQ Canada
Wellington Street
Sherbrooke, QC Canada
Hotel Royal
La Tuque, QC Canada
Rue Brock
Drummondville, QC Canada
View of Town
Drummondville, QC Canada
Dominion Square with Windso...
Montreal, QC Canada
Chateau de Ramezay
Montreal, QC Canada
Pioneer Coach
Montreal, QC Canada
Glimpse of the Saguenay fro...
Quebec, PQ Canada
Greetings from Quebec
Quebec, PQ Canada
Lachine Rapids
Montreal, QC Canada
The Boar's Hotel, Fishing i...
Quebec, PQ Canada
Greetings from Chicoutimi
Chicoutimi, QC Canada
Greetings from Chicoutimi
Chicoutimi, QC Canada
McGill University - Enginee...
Montreal, QC Canada
Quebec Bridge Over St. Lawr...
PQ, Canada
The Citadel
Quebec, QC Canada
Main Street, Looking South
Mansonville, QC Canada
Lake View Cabins from the Lake
Philipsburg, QC Canada
Rue Principale
Ste Anne de Beaupre, QC Canada
Boys' School, College des F...
Ste. Anne de Beaupre, PQ Canada
Tadousac From Golf Links
Tadoussac, PQ Canada
Dufferin Terrace
Quebec City, PQ Canada
Pyramid of Crutches in Basi...
La Côte-de-Beaupré, PQ Canada
C.P.R. Station, Windsor Street
Monrtreal, PQ Canada
After a Snow Fall
Quebec, QC Canada
McGill University on the Ca...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Eglise Cathedrale de Nicolet
Nicolet, QC Canada
Lake View House and Cottages
Lac-Saint-Joseph, PQ Canada
New Sherbrooke House
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Canadian Pacific Railway St...
Montreal, QC Canada
Redpath Library and Presbyt...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Sleigh Used In Montreal
Canada, PQ Canada
Park Avenue in Winter
Montreal, QC Canada
Hotel Victoria
Quebec, QC Canada
Over 200 Years Old French C...
A Habitant Bread Oven
Gaspe, PQ Canada
Tadoussac Hotel, from the V...
Tadoussac, PQ Canada
The Mouth of The Saguenay
Tadousac, QC Canada
Chalet des M. M. Baril sur ...
Warwick, PQ Canada
Hotel Kent
Beauport, QC Canada
Grand Trunk Railway Station
Montreal, QC Canada
Bonsecours Market
Montreal, PQ Canada
St. Louis Square
Montreal, PQ Canada
Westmount Bowling Green
Montreal, QC Canada
Court House
Montreal, PQ Canada
Bank of Montreal
Montreal, QC Canada
Chateau de Ramesay
Montreal, QC Canada
Dominion Square and Y.M.C.A...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Sherbrooke Street in Winter
Montreal, QC Canada
Union Dramatique Quebec
PQ, Canada
At the Golf Links
Murray Bay, PQ Canada
Civic Library
Montreal, PQ Canada
Main Street Looking East
Coaticook, PQ Canada
Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Engineering Building - McGi...
Montreal, PQ Canada
General Hospital
Sherbrooke, PQ Canada
Motel Lido
St. Leonard, PQ Canada
La Paysanne Motel
Lennoxville, PQ Canada
Hotel Chateau Normandie
Quebec, QC Canada
Ruby Foos' Motor Hotel and ...
Montreal, PQ Canada
Bishops College and Chapel,...
Lennoxville, PQ Canada
La Caleche
Quebec, QC Canada
Cap de la Madeleine - Tombe...
Trois-Rivières, QC Canada
River Massawippi from Bridge
North Hatley, QC Canada
Seminaire de Nicolet, Bocage
Nicolet, QC Canada
Doc Motel
Repentigny, QC Canada