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Gary Larson
(118 Items)
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Police: Well I'll be darned... I guess he does ...
The Far Side: Primate Studies - Two Way Mirror
The Far Side: At the Dog Comedy Film Festival
Alien: Why yes I would like a knuckle sandwich
UFO crashed into Statue of Liberty: "Well, Zoro...
Nile crocodile Dancing: Did anyone ever tell y...
Roberta takes on a dust rhino.
Elephant: "And the murderer is ... THE BUTLER!"
Cowboys: "Hey! They're lighting their arrows! C...
Frankenstein: "Igor! Get that Wolfman doll out ...
Cow Lecture: "Muriel! Are you chewing your cud ...
Slugs: "Darlene is going with some new guy ... ...
Snake Charmer with Funny Snake: "I'll get him f...
Prison for the Mentally Deranged Escape Tunnel
Neanderthal Teasing
The Thagomizer
Vultures: "Well, I suppose you're all wondering...
Cows Mooing at Humans in Field "Yakity Yak yak ...
Cavemen: "Thag, take napkin. Got some mammoth o...
Stand Up Fly Comedian: "Flew all the way in fro...
Cavemen with Dead Mammoth: "Maybe we should wri...
Pinocchio at Beaver Home
Boneless Chicken Ranch
"Cat Fud" Dog luring cat into clothes dryer
"No, Zak... It Wilga's turn lick bowl."
"Well, I guess l'll have the ham and eggs."
"Kids! Kids! . . . The slugs are back!"
How birds see the world
Aunt Hilda's Flapcats
Anteaters: Are the red ants right off the hill?
"Do not Touch" - Dinosaur Exhibit
Cro-Magnon Man Lighting Cigarette
Paleontologist Riding Dinosaur Skeleton
Cavemen with Wheel, Joyride in Car
Oceanographer: Whale Singing Louie Louie
The Holsteins visit the Grand Canyon
Komodo Dragon
Rocket Scientist Gag, Missile, Paper Bag
"Well, look who's here ... God's gift to wart h...
Cattle Hustler
"And now Edgar's gone . .. Something's going on...
Ants: "You idiots! ...We'll never get that thin...
The Far Side When Clowns Go Bad
The Far Side: Now Balance It Until I Say...
Woman Leaving Her Shiftless, Good-for-Nothing, ...
The Far Side: Well, So That's It
The Far Side: Objects In Mirror Are Closer Than...
The Far Side: Whoa, Frank... Guess What Youuuuu...
That settles it, Carl! From now on, you're gett...
Aerobics in Hell - The Far Side
The Far Side: Bear Telling Bedtime Story "OK, O...
The Far Side: Frog Catching an Airplane
Dog Rubs Mans Belly and Makes His Leg Shake - T...
The Far Side: What We Say To Cats
Far Side: Mole at a Bar
The Far Side: The Rare And Timid Prairie People
In the days before television
The Far Side: Let's See, Mosquitos, Gnats, Flie...
Animals and Their Mating Songs, Hey, bay-Bee - ...
The Far Side: Games You Can Play With Your Cat
The Far Side: Cow Yes... I Believe There's A Qu...
Prehistoric Man as Fish Bait - The Far Side
The Far Side: Well, I'm Addicted, Carol's Sheep...
The Far Side: Another Chicken Leg-Bone
Burglars Look Down the Barrel of the Dobie-O-Ma...
Pick a Door: Damned if You do, Damned if You Do...
Far Side dog "Put the Cat Out..."
The Far Side: In God's Kitchen
Kangaroo Narrowly Misses Assassination by Boome...
"I'm movin' over 500 doughnuts a day, but I'm s...
Woman Asks a Couple With Shredded Clothing If T...
The Far Side: Aw, C'mon, You Guys
Primate Studies One Way Mirror Fail - The Far Side
The Far Side: Hey, Sid, Remember That Time Last...
Far Side Dinosaur in a car I 8 NY
The Far Side: Early Business Failures Porcupine...
Tails Wag at the Dog Comedy Film Festival - Gar...
The Far Side: The Livestock Would Gather Every ...
Primitive Spelling Bees, C-A-V-E Cave - The Far...
The Far Side Man/Woman: Same Planet, Different ...
Brain Aerobics - The Far Side
Hit the Bird Ruth - He's Stuck, The Far Side
For crying out loud, Doris
Gunfighter Has Close Call When His Dummy Mouths...
The Far Side: Appliance healers
Far Side Washington Crossing the Street
Dinosaur Breakfast - Meaties Cereal, Free Kid I...
Never Put Your Tongue on a Glacier - The Far Side
Jack's Diner - No Brains, No Service - Gary Larson
Man Washing Car - Bird: You are mine...all mine...
The Far Side: In That One Split Second
Alcohol Brave Bulls Make Their Move On Heifers ...
The Far Side: Glutton Man Frozen Dinner
Far Side Tarzan
Business Lunch - Men in Suits in a Sardine Can,...
The Far Side: Hey, I Think I'm Getting Orange C...
The Far Side: God As A Kid
The Far Side: Give Me A Hand Here, Etta
Cartoon Teenager Tells Parents He Didn't Ask to...
Vacuous Eyes, Stupid Grin, Bob Had Been Domesti...
Mr. Osborne, may I be excused? My brain is full...
A Mummy's Curse - The Far Side
Bobbing for Poodles
Allen, Don't Look in the Water, You're Scaring ...
Far Side Viking
The Far Side: Oh Ginger - You Look Absolutely S...
Church of Cowintology - The Far Side
The Far Side: Full Moon And Empty Head
Rusty Gets Ready to Make His Move. - Gary Larson
The Far Side: Cuckoo, Send Help
The Far Side: Somethin's Up, Jake
The Far Side: Yeah. My Boss Don't Appreciate Me...
Showdown at High Noon With a Stick Man Named Sl...
What Really Happened to Elvis - Bates Motel, Th...
The Far Side: You Sure You're Supposed To Be Do...
The Far Side: No Way, I'll Put My Magazine Down...
Far Side: The livestock would gather every morn...
The Far Side "You Idiots! --- We'll Never Get T...