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Category: Coffeyville
Category: Coffeyville
US State & Town Views
181 Items
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(Coffeyville, Kansas)
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Rea-Patterson Milling Co., ...
Coffeyville, KS
National Oil Refinery, Coff...
Coffeyville, KS
Roosevelt Junior High School
Coffeyville, KS
Coffeyville Memorial Hospital
Coffeyville, KS
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Coffeyville, KS
Rea-Patterson Milling Company
Coffeyville, KS
Walnut Street at Night
Coffeyville, KS
U.S. Post Office
Coffeyville, KS
Field Kindley High School
Coffeyville, KS
First Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
Memorial Hall
Coffeyville, KS
Sinclair Oil Refinery
Coffeyville, KS
Hill Crest Country Club
Coffeyville, KS
Sinclair Oil Refinery
Coffeyville, KS
Baptist Church
Coffeyville, KS
Y. M. C. A.
Coffeyville, KS
Methodist Episcopal Church
Coffeyville, KS
First Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
US Post Office
Coffeyville, KS
M.E. Church
Coffeyville, KS
New Roosevelt Junior High S...
Coffeyville, KS
Elks' Club
Coffeyville, KS
M. K. & T. Depot
Coffeyville, KS
Missouri, Kansas & Texas Depot
Coffeyville, KS
Golden Spur Motel
Coffeyville, KS
Townsman Motel
Coffeyville, KS
City Hall, Coffeyville, Kan
Coffeyville, KS
Railroad Y.M.C.A. Building
Coffeyville, KS
Burning Oil Tank
Coffeyville, KS
City Hall
Coffeyville, KS
Garfield School
Coffeyville, KS
Natatorium, Silurian Spring
Coffeyville, KS
Carnegie Public Library, Co...
Coffeyville, KS
Shooting Oil Well
Coffeyville, KS
Kellogg and Jefferson Build...
Coffeyville, KS
West 8th Street Scene
Coffeyville, KS
6th and Elm Streets, lookin...
Coffeyville, KS
First National Bank, Scene ...
Coffeyville, KS
City Hall
Coffeyville, KS
First Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
Walnut Street at Night
Coffeyville, KS
Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
B.P.O.E. Lodge Building, 7t...
Coffeyville, KS
Residence of Dr. W.C. Hall
Coffeyville, KS
Cleveland School
Coffeyville, KS
National Oil Refinery
Coffeyville, KS
Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
German Lutheran Church, Cor...
Coffeyville, KS
Condon National Bank
Coffeyville, KS
W.P. Brown's Mansion
Coffeyville, KS
Garfield School
Coffeyville, KS
Coffeyville Motor Car
Coffeyville, KS
Baptist Church
Coffeyville, KS
Residence Scene on Willow S...
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Mecca
Coffeyville, KS
Scene on the Verdigris River
Coffeyville, KS
German Lutheran Church, Cor...
Coffeyville, KS
Lowell School
Coffeyville, KS
City Hall
Coffeyville, KS
Scene At The Excelsior Plant
Coffeyville, KS
Library in High School
Coffeyville, KS
Silurian Springs Bath House
Coffeyville, KS
Burning Oil Tank, National ...
Coffeyville, KS
Rea-Patterson Mills
Coffeyville, KS
Parker Bridge over Verdigri...
Coffeyville, KS
National Oil Refinery
Coffeyville, KS
Ninth Street
Coffeyville, KS
McFarland Trade School
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
Greetings From Coffeyville
Coffeyville, KS
Field Kindley Memorial High...
Coffeyville, KS
Assembly of God Church
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
Coffeyville Memorial Hospital
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
Memorial Building
Coffeyville, KS
Roosevelt Junior High School
Coffeyville, KS
Court House and Municipal B...
Coffeyville, KS
First National Bank
Coffeyville, KS
Ninth Street
Coffeyville, KS
Court House and Municipal B...
Coffeyville, KS
Elks' Club
Coffeyville, KS
New Roosevelt Junior High S...
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
National Oil Refinery
Coffeyville, KS
Golden Spur Motel
Coffeyville, KS
Schwinn Sunflower Motel
Coffeyville, KS
Schwinn Sunflower Motel
Coffeyville, KS
Roosevelt Junior High Schoo...
Coffeyville, KS
Pump Station
Coffeyville, KS
High School
Coffeyville, KS
Railroad Y.M.C.A. Building
Coffeyville, KS
City Hall
Coffeyville, KS
W.P. Brown's Mansion
Coffeyville, KS
Residence of Dr. W.C. Hall
Coffeyville, KS
Residence of E. R. Hawthorne
Coffeyville, KS
View on Elm Street
Coffeyville, KS
West 8th Street Scene
Coffeyville, KS
M.E. Church
Coffeyville, KS
Elks' Home
Coffeyville, KS
Coffeyville College
Coffeyville, KS
Baptist Church
Coffeyville, KS
First M.E. Church
Coffeyville, KS
Baptist Church
Coffeyville, KS
Carnegie Public Library, Co...
Coffeyville, KS
Greetings from Coffeyville
Coffeyville, KS
S. H. Kress & Company
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale, Town's Newest a...
Coffeyville, KS
First Federal Savings & Loa...
Coffeyville, KS
W.P. Brown's Mansion
Coffeyville, KS
Fire Dept. No.1
Coffeyville, KS
First M. E. Church
Coffeyville, KS
Business View along Eighth ...
Coffeyville, KS
Elks Club
Coffeyville, KS
Pump Station
Coffeyville, KS
Ozark Zinc Oxide Smelter
Coffeyville, KS
The Dalton Grave
Coffeyville, KS
The Dalton Grave
Coffeyville, KS
Roosevelt Junior High Schoo...
Coffeyville, KS
Baptist Church
Coffeyville, KS
Fountain Plaza in the Heart...
Coffeyville, KS
Elks Club
Coffeyville, KS
Elk's Club
Coffeyville, KS
M.E. Church
Coffeyville, KS
Hotel Dale
Coffeyville, KS
The Condon Bank Building
Coffeyville, KS
Eighth Street, Looking West
Coffeyville, KS
Fountain Plaza
Coffeyville, KS
Looking West on Eighth Street
Coffeyville, KS
Wendell Willkie's Home
Coffeyville, KS
Presbyterian Church
Coffeyville, KS
Fountain Plaza, Coffeyville...
Coffeyville, KS
Looking west on Eighth Street
Coffeyville, KS
Methodist Episcopal Church
Coffeyville, KS
Coffeyville Memorial Hospital
Coffeyville, KS
U. S. Post Office
Coffeyville, KS
Coffeyville College
Coffeyville, KS
Soldiers And Sailors Monument
Coffeyville, KS
Greetings From Coffeyville
Coffeyville, KS
Roosevelt Junior High Schoo...
Coffeyville, KS
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